Make something
Make something
뭔가 만들어보세요 -
Current server date is %{date}
Current server date is %{date}
현재 서버 날짜는 %{date}입니다. -
Number of new users this week: %{count} Number of new users this week: none Number of new users this week: %{count} ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0Number of new users this week: none
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1Number of new users this week: %{count}
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseNumber of new users this week: %{count}
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0이번 주 새 사용자 수: 없음
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else이번 주 새 사용자 수: %{count}
Download the source code package
Download the source code package
소스코드 패키지 다운로드 -
Password confirmation
Password confirmation
암호 확인 -
Please enter at least one email address.
Please enter at least one email address.
이메일 주소를 한 개 이상 입력해주세요. -
Invitations have already been sent to: %{emails}
Invitations have already been sent to: %{emails}
이미 %{emails} 주소로 초대장을 보냈습니다. -
Got a problem?
Got a problem?
문제가 있나요? -
Contact the administrator of your pod!
Contact the administrator of your pod!
내 팟 관리자에게 문의하기 -
Podmin email
Podmin email
팟관리자 이메일 주소 -
Suggest a member
Suggest a member
회원 제안 -
Sidekiq monitor
Sidekiq monitor
사이드킥 모니터 -
Connecting to third-party sharing services gives you the ability to publish your posts to them as you write them in diaspora*.
Connecting to third-party sharing services gives you the ability to publish your posts to them as you write them in diaspora*.
서비스 연결로 디아스포라에 내 게시물을 남기면서 해당 서비스에도 같이 게시할 수 있습니다. -
Get your location
Get your location
위치 가져오기 -
Show users that are under 13 (COPPA)
Show users that are under 13 (COPPA)
13세 이하 사용자 보이기 -
Sending invitation...
Sending invitation...
초대장 전송중 -
Access level is read-only, please try to authorize again later
Access level is read-only, please try to authorize again later
도움말 -
%{faq}, %{tutorial} & %{wiki}: help for your first steps.
%{faq}, %{tutorial} & %{wiki}: help for your first steps.
간단 설명서