Yes. Go to your contacts page and click on “My contacts”. For each contact you can use the menu on the right to add them to (or remove them from) as many aspects as you want. Or you can add them to a new aspect (or remove them from an aspect) by clicking the aspect selector button on their profile page. Or you can even just move the pointer over their name where you see it in the stream, and a “hovercard” will appear. You can change the aspects they are in right there.
Yes. Go to your contacts page and click on “My contacts”. For each contact you can use the menu on the right to add them to (or remove them from) as many aspects as you want. Or you can add them to a new aspect (or remove them from an aspect) by clicking the aspect selector button on their profile page. Or you can even just move the pointer over their name where you see it in the stream, and a “hovercard” will appear. You can change the aspects they are in right there.
Ja. Gå til kontaktsiden din og klikk på «Mine kontakter». For hver av kontaktene kan du bruke menyen til høyre for å legge dem til (eller fjerne dem fra) så mange aspekter du ønsker. Eller du kan legge dem til et nytt aspekt (eller fjerne dem fra et aspekt) ved å klikke på knappen for aspektvalg på deres profilside. Eller du kan bare bevege musepekeren over navnet deres der du ser det i strømmen, og et «hovercard» vil vise seg. Der kan du endre aspektene de er i. -
How do I delete an aspect?
How do I delete an aspect?
Hvordan sletter jeg et aspekt? -
Click “My aspects” in the side-bar from a stream view and click the pencil icon by the aspect you want to delete, or go to your Contacts page and select the relevant aspect. Then click the trash icon in the top right of the page.
Click “My aspects” in the side-bar from a stream view and click the pencil icon by the aspect you want to delete, or go to your Contacts page and select the relevant aspect. Then click the trash icon in the top right of the page.
Hold musepekeren over aspektet du ønsker å slette i listen over aspekter til venstre på hovedsiden. Klikk den lille «rediger»-blyanten som vises til høyre. Klikk sletteknappen i boksen som kommer frem. -
Omtale -
What is a “mention”?
What is a “mention”?
Hva er en «omtale»? -
A mention is a link to a person’s profile page that appears in a post. When someone is mentioned they receive a notification that calls their attention to the post.
A mention is a link to a person’s profile page that appears in a post. When someone is mentioned they receive a notification that calls their attention to the post.
En omtale er en lenke til en persons profilside som vises i et innlegg. Når noen omtales mottar de en beskjed om innlegget. -
How do I mention someone when making a post?
How do I mention someone when making a post?
Hvordan kan jeg omtale noen når jeg gjør et innlegg? -
Type the “@” sign and start typing their name. A drop-down menu should appear to let you select them more easily. Note that it is only possible to mention people you have added to an aspect.
Type the “@” sign and start typing their name. A drop-down menu should appear to let you select them more easily. Note that it is only possible to mention people you have added to an aspect.
Skriv @-tegnet og begynn å skrive vedkommendes navn. En meny kommer til syne og gjør det lettere å velge rett person. Det er kun mulig å omtale personer som er med i aspektet. -
Can I mention someone in a comment?
Can I mention someone in a comment?
Kan jeg omtale noen i en kommentar? -
Since version, yes! You can mention someone in a comment the same way you would do it in a post, by typing “@” and then start typing their name. Please note that when you comment on a post which is not public, you can only mention users who have already interacted with the post.
Since version, yes! You can mention someone in a comment the same way you would do it in a post, by typing “@” and then start typing their name. Please note that when you comment on a post which is not public, you can only mention users who have already interacted with the post.
Siden versjon, ja! Du kan nevnte noen i en kommentar på samme måte som du kan gjøre det i et innlegg. Tast «@» og begynn å skrive navnet deres. Merk at når du kommenterer på et innlegg som ikke er offentlig, kan du bare nevne brukere som allerede har interagert med innlegget. -
Is there a way to see the posts in which I have been mentioned?
Is there a way to see the posts in which I have been mentioned?
Er det en måte å se innleggene der jeg har blitt omtale? -
Yes, click “@Mentions” in the left-hand column on your home page.
Yes, click “@Mentions” in the left-hand column on your home page.
Ja, klikk på «@omtaler» i venstre kolonne på hjemmesiden din. -
Belger -
What is a pod?
What is a pod?
Hva er en belg? -
A pod is a server running the diaspora* software and connected to the diaspora* network. “Pod” is a metaphor referring to pods on plants which contain seeds, in the way that a server contains a number of user accounts. There are many different pods. You can add friends from other pods and communicate with them. There’s no need to open an account on different pods! One is enough – in this way, you can think of a diaspora* pod as similar to an email provider. There are public pods, private pods, and with some effort you can even run your own.
A pod is a server running the diaspora* software and connected to the diaspora* network. “Pod” is a metaphor referring to pods on plants which contain seeds, in the way that a server contains a number of user accounts. There are many different pods. You can add friends from other pods and communicate with them. There’s no need to open an account on different pods! One is enough – in this way, you can think of a diaspora* pod as similar to an email provider. There are public pods, private pods, and with some effort you can even run your own.
En belg er en tjener som kjører diaspora*-programvaren og som er tilknyttet diaspora*-nettverket. «Belg» er en metafor som refererer belgen på planter som inneholder frø, på den måten at en server inneholder et brukerkontoer. Der finnes mange forskjellige belger. Du kan legge til venner fra andre belger og kommunisere med dem. Du behøver ikke å åpne konto på forskjellige belger! Én er nok. Du kan tenke på en diaspora*-belg som noe lignende en eposttilbyder. Det finnes offentlige belger, private belger, og med litt innsats kan du til og med drive din egen. -
I just joined a pod, how can I find people to share with?
I just joined a pod, how can I find people to share with?
Jeg ble nettopp med i en belg, hvordan finner jeg noen å dele med? -
If you want to invite your friends to join diaspora*, use the invitation link or the email link in the side-bar. Follow #tags to discover others who share your interests, and add those who post things that interest you to an aspect. Shout out that you’re #newhere in a public post.
If you want to invite your friends to join diaspora*, use the invitation link or the email link in the side-bar. Follow #tags to discover others who share your interests, and add those who post things that interest you to an aspect. Shout out that you’re #newhere in a public post.
Inviter dine venner ved å bruke epostlenken i sidepanelet. Følg #tagger for å oppdage andre som deler interessene dine, og legg dem som skriver om ting som interesser deg til i et aspekt. Rop ut at du er #nyher i en offentlig post. -
How do I use the search box to find particular individuals?
How do I use the search box to find particular individuals?
Hvordan bruker jeg søkeboksen for å finne bestemte personer? -
You can search for people by entering their username or their diaspora* name (the name that is shown on their profile). If neither of these methods work, enter their full diaspora* ID (username@podname.org). If your search doesn’t work the first time, it could be due to network latency. Try it again.
You can search for people by entering their username or their diaspora* name (the name that is shown on their profile). If neither of these methods work, enter their full diaspora* ID (username@podname.org). If your search doesn’t work the first time, it could be due to network latency. Try it again.
Du kan søke etter personer ved å taste inn brukernavnet deres eller diaspora*-navnet (navnet som vise i profilen deres). Hvis ingen av disse metodene virker, kan du taste inn deres fulle diaspora*-ID (brukernavn@belgnavn.org). Hvis søket ikke virker på første forsøk, kan det skyldes nettverksforsinkelser. Prøv å søke en gang til. -
Posts and posting
Posts and posting
Innlegg og lagring