First name
First name
Fornavn -
Last name
Last name
Etternavn -
Your gender
Your gender
Ditt kjønn -
Your birthday
Your birthday
Din fødselsdato -
Describe yourself in 5 words
Describe yourself in 5 words
Deg: i 5 #tagger -
Like #movies #kittens #travel #teacher #newyork
Like #movies #kittens #travel #teacher #newyork
Som #diaspora #matlaging #skiskyting #musikk -
Your bio
Your bio
Din biografi -
Your location
Your location
Hvor bor du? -
Your photo
Your photo
Ditt profilbilde -
Update profile
Update profile
Oppdater profil -
Allow for people to search for you within diaspora*
Allow for people to search for you within diaspora*
Tillat folk å søke på deg i diaspora* -
Profile updated
Profile updated
Profil oppdatert -
Failed to update profile
Failed to update profile
Kunne ikke oppdatere profil -
Enter your email address
Enter your email address
Skriv e-postadressen din -
Pick a username (only letters, numbers, and underscores)
Pick a username (only letters, numbers, and underscores)
Velg et brukernavn (kun bokstaver, nummer og understreker) -
Enter a password (six character minimum)
Enter a password (six character minimum)
Skriv inn et passord -
Enter the same password as before
Enter the same password as before
Skriv inn samme passord som før -
You’ve joined diaspora*!
You’ve joined diaspora*!
Du er nå med i diaspora*! -
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