<strong>Reported by</strong> %{person}
Reported by</strong>
Zgłoszony przez</strong>
%{person} -
Powód: -
Mark as reviewed
Mark as reviewed
Oznacz jako sprawdzony -
Delete item
Delete item
Usuń element -
Are you sure to delete the item?
Are you sure to delete the item?
Czy masz pewność, że chcesz usunąć ten element? -
The post/comment was not found. It seems that it was deleted by the user!
The post/comment was not found. It seems that it was deleted by the user!
Ten wpis/komentarz nie został znaleziony. Wygląda na to, że został usunięty przez autora! -
The post was destroyed
The post was destroyed
Wpis został zniszczony -
Something went wrong
Something went wrong
Coś poszło nie tak -
someone sends a report
someone sends a report
ktoś wysłał zgłoszenie -
Pomoc -
View profile
View profile
Zobacz profil -
Close account
Close account
Zamknij konto -
Are you sure you want to close this account?
Are you sure you want to close this account?
Czy na pewno chcesz zamknąć to konto? -
The account of %{name} is scheduled to be closed. It will be processed in a few moments...
The account of %{name} is scheduled to be closed. It will be processed in a few moments...
Konto należące do %{name} jest przewidziane do zamknięcia. Zostanie to wykonane w przecigu kilku chwil... -
ID -
E-mail -
diaspora* ID
diaspora* ID
identyfikator w diasporze* -
Last seen
Last seen
Ostatnio widziany -
Account closed
Account closed
Konto zamknięte
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