What is the character limit for posts?
What is the character limit for posts?
Vad är teckenbegränsning för inlägg? -
65,535 characters. That’s 65,395 more characters than you get on Twitter! ;)
65,535 characters. That’s 65,395 more characters than you get on Twitter! ;)
65 535 tecken. Det är 65 395 tecken fler än vad Twitter tillåter! ;-) -
What if I'm sharing my post with a connected service with a smaller character count?
What if I'm sharing my post with a connected service with a smaller character count?
Vad händer med inlägg som delats genom liknande tjänster med lägre teckenbegräsning? -
In that case you should restrict your post to the smaller character count (140 in the case of Twitter; 1000 in the case of Tumblr), and the number of characters you have left to use is displayed when that service’s icon is highlighted. You can still post to these services if your post is longer than their limit, but the text will be truncated on those services with a link to the post on diaspora*.
In that case you should restrict your post to the smaller character count (140 in the case of Twitter; 1000 in the case of Tumblr), and the number of characters you have left to use is displayed when that service’s icon is highlighted. You can still post to these services if your post is longer than their limit, but the text will be truncated on those services with a link to the post on diaspora*.
I de fallen kommer dina inlägg vara begränsade till ett färre antal tecken (140 för Twitter och 1 000 för Tumblr). Hur många tecken du har kvar att använda, syns när tjänstens ikon är lyser upp. Du kan fortfarande göra inlägg till dessa tjänster som är längre än deras begränsningar, men de kommer att bli avhuggna. -
Why is my stream full of posts from people I don’t know and don’t share with?
Why is my stream full of posts from people I don’t know and don’t share with?
Varför är min ström fylld med inlägg av personer som jag inte känner och inte delar med mig till? -
Your stream is made up of three types of posts:
Your stream is made up of three types of posts:
Din ström består av tre typer av inlägg: -
Posts by people you are sharing with, which come in two types: public posts and limited posts shared with an aspect that you are part of. To remove these posts from your stream, simply stop sharing with the person.
Posts by people you are sharing with, which come in two types: public posts and limited posts shared with an aspect that you are part of. To remove these posts from your stream, simply stop sharing with the person.
Inlägg från personer som du delar med dig till. Dessa i sig, finns i två sorter: publika inlägg och begränsade inlägg från en aspekt du är med i. För att ta bort dessa inlägg får du sluta dela med till personerna som skriver dem. -
Public posts containing one of the tags that you follow. To remove these, stop following that tag.
Public posts containing one of the tags that you follow. To remove these, stop following that tag.
Offentliga inlägg som innehåller någon av de taggar du har valt att följa. För att ta bort dessa, får du ta sluta följa taggen. -
Public posts by people listed in the community spotlight. These can be removed by unchecking the “Show community spotlight in stream?” option in the Account tab of your Settings.
Public posts by people listed in the community spotlight. These can be removed by unchecking the “Show community spotlight in stream?” option in the Account tab of your Settings.
Offentliga inlägg från personer i gemenskapens rampljus. Dessa kan borttas genom fylla i rutan "Ska gemenskapens rampljus visas i din ström?" bland dina inställningar. -
Private posts
Private posts
Privata inlägg -
When I post a message to an aspect (i.e., a private post), who can see it?
When I post a message to an aspect (i.e., a private post), who can see it?
Vem kan se mitt inlägg till en aspekt, alltså ett privat inlägg? -
Only logged-in diaspora* users you had placed in that aspect before making the private post can see it.
Only logged-in diaspora* users you had placed in that aspect before making the private post can see it.
Bara personer som är inloggade på Diaspora*, och som du har i en aspekt, kan se dessa privata inlägg. -
Who can comment on or like my private post?
Who can comment on or like my private post?
Vem kan kommentera och gilla mina privata inlägg? -
Only logged-in diaspora* users you had placed in that aspect before making the private post can comment on or like it.
Only logged-in diaspora* users you had placed in that aspect before making the private post can comment on or like it.
Det är bara de som är inloggade på Diaspora* och som du lagt till i en aspekt innan du gjort ett inlägg privat som ser det privata inlägget. -
Who can reshare my private post?
Who can reshare my private post?
Vilka kan dela med sig av mina privata inlägg? -
Nobody. Private posts are not resharable. Logged-in diaspora* users in that aspect can potentially copy and paste it, however. It’s up to you whether you trust those people!
Nobody. Private posts are not resharable. Logged-in diaspora* users in that aspect can potentially copy and paste it, however. It’s up to you whether you trust those people!
Inga. Privata inlägg kan inte delas vidare. Givetvis kan de som kan se ditt inlägg, kopiera det och sprida det på så vis. Se upp med vilka du litar på! -
When I comment on or like a private post, who can see it?
When I comment on or like a private post, who can see it?
Vilka kan se kommentarer jag gör på ett privat inlägg? -
Only the people that the post was shared with (the people who are in the aspects selected by the original poster) can see its comments and likes.
Only the people that the post was shared with (the people who are in the aspects selected by the original poster) can see its comments and likes.
Bara de personer som kan se inlägget kan se kommentarerna. -
Public posts
Public posts
Publika inlägg -
When I post something publicly, who can see it?
When I post something publicly, who can see it?
Vilka ser de publika inlägg som jag gör?