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把目前顯示的都標示成讀過了 -
By creating an account you accept the %{terms_link}.
By creating an account you accept the %{terms_link}.
一旦註冊帳號就表示你接受 %{terms_link} 。 -
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Your diaspora* account has been flagged for removal due to inactivity
Your diaspora* account has been flagged for removal due to inactivity
你的 diaspora* 帳號因為太久沒有活動而被標上移除記號了 -
Hello, It looks as though you no longer want your account at %{pod_url}, as you haven’t used it for %{after_days} days. To ensure our active users get the best performance from this diaspora* pod, we’d like to remove unwanted accounts from our database. We’d love you to stay part of diaspora*’s community, and you’re welcome to keep your account live if you want to. If you want to keep your account live, all you need to do is to sign in to your account before %{remove_after}. When you sign in, take a moment to have a look around diaspora*. It has changed a lot since you last looked in, and we think you’ll like the improvements we’ve made. Follow some #tags to find content you love. Sign in here: %{login_url}. If you’ve forgotten your sign-in details, you can ask for a reminder on that page. Hoping to see you again, The diaspora* email robot!
It looks as though you no longer want your account at %{pod_url}, as you haven’t used it for %{after_days} days. To ensure our active users get the best performance from this diaspora* pod, we’d like to remove unwanted accounts from our database.
We’d love you to stay part of diaspora*’s community, and you’re welcome to keep your account live if you want to.
If you want to keep your account live, all you need to do is to sign in to your account before %{remove_after}. When you sign in, take a moment to have a look around diaspora*. It has changed a lot since you last looked in, and we think you’ll like the improvements we’ve made. Follow some #tags to find content you love.
Sign in here: %{login_url}. If you’ve forgotten your sign-in details, you can ask for a reminder on that page.
Hoping to see you again,
The diaspora* email robot!你好,
因為你已經有 %{after_days} 天沒有使用在 %{pod_url} 的帳號,我們覺得似乎你已經不想要它了。我們為了提供給這個 diaspora* 豆莢的使用者最好的效率,因此會定時從資料庫移除掉那些已經沒人要的帳號。
我們希望你可以繼續參與 diaspora* 社群,因此只要你還想要你的帳號,我們就會繼續保留它。
如果你還想要自己的帳號,你唯一需要做的只有在%{remove_after}之前用這個帳號來登入。登入後,建議你花點時間看看 diaspora*, 相信你會發現從上次來到現在已經改變了很多,我們也希望你會希望這些改進。你也可以追蹤一些 #標籤 來找到喜歡的內容。
登入網址是: %{login_url} 如果你忘記了要怎麽登入,也可以在那個頁面找到提示。
diaspora* 電郵機器人 -
You have reached the end of the stream.
You have reached the end of the stream.
你已經抵達流水帳的最下游了。 -
There are no posts yet.
There are no posts yet.
目前還沒有任何貼文。 -
You are not currently ignoring any other user
You are not currently ignoring any other user
目前沒有忽視任何的其他人 -
1 person tagged with %{tag} No one tagged with %{tag} %{count} people tagged with %{tag} ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0No one tagged with %{tag}
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 11 person tagged with %{tag}
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{count} people tagged with %{tag}
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0沒有人貼了標籤 %{tag}
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else有 %{count} 個人貼了標籤 %{tag}
Hide and mute conversation
Hide and mute conversation
把對話隱藏並且消音 -
Conversation successfully deleted
Conversation successfully deleted
對話成功刪掉了 -
Conversation successfully hidden
Conversation successfully hidden
對話成功隱藏起來了 -
There’s a new private message in diaspora* for you to check out.
There’s a new private message in diaspora* for you to check out.
你在 diaspora* 有一則新的私人訊息。 -
There’s a new comment on a limited post in diaspora* for you to check out.
There’s a new comment on a limited post in diaspora* for you to check out.
你在 diaspora* 的設限貼文有一則新留言。 -
統計 -
r – Reshare the current post
r – Reshare the current post
r - 轉貼目前的貼文