Tagh ainm-cleachdadh (a-u, 0-9 agus _ a-mhàin)
Tagh ainm-cleachdadh (a-u, 0-9 agus _ a-mhàin)
Pick a username (only letters, numbers, and underscores) -
Tagh facal-faire (co-dhiù sia litrichean)
Tagh facal-faire (co-dhiù sia litrichean)
Enter a password (six character minimum) -
Sgrìobh am facal-faire a-rithist
Sgrìobh am facal-faire a-rithist
Enter the same password as before -
You’ve joined diaspora*!
Reshared via
Reshare %{author}’s post?
Original post deleted by author.
%{resharer}’s reshare of %{author}’s post
Logged in as %{nickname}.
Disconnect %{service}?
Deasaich sèirbheisean
Deasaich sèirbheisean
Edit services -
Authentication successful.
Authentication failed.
A user with diaspora id %{diaspora_id} already authorized that %{service_name} account.
Successfully deleted authentication.
There was an error connecting to that service
All right, you won’t see that user in your stream again. #silencio!
I couldn’t ignore that user. #evasion
Let’s see what they have to say! #sayhello
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