In caso que tu perde le accesso a tu telephono, tu pote usar un del codices de recuperation sequente pro reganiar le accesso a tu conto. Mantene le codices de recuperation ben secur. Per exemplo, tu pote imprimer los e guardar los con altere documentos importante.
In caso que tu perde le accesso a tu telephono, tu pote usar un del codices de recuperation sequente pro reganiar le accesso a tu conto. Mantene le codices de recuperation ben secur. Per exemplo, tu pote imprimer los e guardar los con altere documentos importante.
If you ever lose access to your phone, you can use one of the recovery codes below to regain access to your account. Keep the recovery codes safe. For example, you may print them and store them with other important documents. -
Le codices de recuperation te permitte reganiar le accesso a tu conto si tu perde tu telephono. Nota ben que tu pote usar cata codice de recuperation solmente un vice.
Le codices de recuperation te permitte reganiar le accesso a tu conto si tu perde tu telephono. Nota ben que tu pote usar cata codice de recuperation solmente un vice.
Recovery codes allow you to regain access to your account if you lose your phone. Note that you can use each recovery code only once. -
Si tu perde tu codices de recuperation, tu pote generar alteres hic. Le ancian codices de recuperation devenira invalide.
Si tu perde tu codices de recuperation, tu pote generar alteres hic. Le ancian codices de recuperation devenira invalide.
If you've lost your recovery codes, you can regenerate them here. Your old recovery codes will be invalidated. -
Generar nove codices de recuperation
Generar nove codices de recuperation
Generate new recovery codes -
Le activation del authentication bifactorial ha succedite
Le activation del authentication bifactorial ha succedite
Successfully activated two-factor authentication -
Le disactivation del authentication bifactorial ha succedite
Le disactivation del authentication bifactorial ha succedite
Successfully deactivated two-factor authentication -
Le codice es incorrecte o invalide
Le codice es incorrecte o invalide
Token was incorrect or invalid -
Parte del %{diaspora_site_link}
Parte del %{diaspora_site_link}
Part of the %{diaspora_site_link} -
rete federate de diaspora*
rete federate de diaspora*
diaspora* federated network -
Iste pod es actualmente claudite pro le creation de contos, ma tu pote totevia adherer al rete de diaspora* per inscriber te a %{wiki}. Post que tote le pods es interconnectite, tu potera acceder al mesme contento.
Iste pod es actualmente claudite pro le creation de contos, ma tu pote totevia adherer al rete de diaspora* per inscriber te a %{wiki}. Post que tote le pods es interconnectite, tu potera acceder al mesme contento.
This pod is currently closed to new registrations. However, you can still join the diaspora* network by registering on %{wiki}. Because all pods are interconnected, you will have access to the same content there. -
un altere pod
un altere pod
another pod -
Un lista de pods ubi tu pote inscriber te se trova a %{fediverse_observer}.
Un lista de pods ubi tu pote inscriber te se trova a %{fediverse_observer}.
There’s a list of pods you can sign up to at %{fediverse_observer}. -
Si tu ha altere questiones sur le election de un pod, consulta nostre %{wiki}.
Si tu ha altere questiones sur le election de un pod, consulta nostre %{wiki}.
If you have any other questions regarding choosing a pod, check out our %{wiki}. -
Le creation del commento ha fallite
Le creation del commento ha fallite
Comment creation has failed -
Le commento %{id} ha essite delite
Le commento %{id} ha essite delite
Comment %{id} has been successfully deleted -
Le deletion del commento ha fallite
Le deletion del commento ha fallite
Comment deletion has failed -
Entrata o commento non trovate
Entrata o commento non trovate
Post or comment not found -
Conversation non trovate
Conversation non trovate
Conversation not found -
Le creation del appreciation ha fallite
Le creation del appreciation ha fallite
Like creation has failed -
1 appreciation Nulle appreciation %{count} appreciationes ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0Nulle appreciation
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 11 appreciation
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{count} appreciationes
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0No likes
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1%{count} like
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{count} likes