No. They will only be able to see new posts to that aspect. They (and everyone else) can see your older public posts on your profile page, and they may also see them in their stream.
What are tags for?
Tags are a way to categorize a post, usually by topic. Searching for a tag shows all posts, both public and private, with that tag that you have permission to see. This lets people who are interested in a given topic find public posts about it.
Can I put tags in comments or just in posts?
A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tag’s page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.
What are “#Followed Tags” and how do I follow a tag?
After searching for a tag you can click the button at the top of the tag’s page to “follow” that tag. It will then appear in your list of followed tags in the left-hand menu. Clicking one of your followed tags takes you to that tag’s page so you can see recent posts containing that tag. Click on #Followed Tags to see a stream of posts that include any one of your followed tags. Posts containing that tag will also be included in your main stream.
Who are the people listed on the left-hand side of a tag page?
They are people who have listed that tag to describe themselves in their public profile.
How can I filter/exclude some tags from my stream?
This is not yet available directly through diaspora*, but some %{third_party_tools} have been written that might provide this.
Is there a quick way to go back to the top of a page after I scroll down?
Yes. After scrolling down a page, click on the grey arrow that appears in the bottom right-hand corner of your browser window.
Are there photo or video albums?
No, not currently. However you can view a person’s uploaded pictures under the Photos tab of their profile page.
Can I subscribe to someone’s public posts with a feed reader?
Yes, but this is still not a polished feature and the formatting of the results is still pretty rough. If you want to try it anyway, go to someone’s profile page and click the feed button in your browser, or you can copy the profile URL (e.g. https://podname.org/people/somenumber) and paste it into a feed reader. The resulting feed address looks like this: https://podname.org/public/username.atom – diaspora* uses Atom rather than RSS.
Is there a diaspora* app for Android or iOS?
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