WebTranslateIt Software SL/Redmine
Fixing keywords
Fixing keywords
Konpontze gako-hitzak -
Commit messages encoding
Commit messages encoding
Commit-en mezuen kodetzea -
Referencing keywords
Referencing keywords
Erreferentzien gako-hitzak -
Allow cross-project issue relations
Allow cross-project issue relations
Zereginak proiektuen artean erlazionatzea baimendu -
Date format
Date format
Data formatua -
Default language
Default language
Lehenetsitako hizkuntza -
Default enabled modules for new projects
Default enabled modules for new projects
Proiektu berrientzako defektuz gaitutako moduluak -
New projects are public by default
New projects are public by default
Proiektu berriak defektuz publikoak dira -
Max number of diff lines displayed
Max number of diff lines displayed
Erakutsiko diren diff lerro kopuru maximoa -
Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
Display subprojects issues on main projects by default
Azpiproiektuen zereginak proiektu nagusian erakutsi defektuz -
Emails footer
Emails footer
Eposten oina -
Enabled SCM
Enabled SCM
Gaitutako IKKak -
Feed content limit
Feed content limit
Jarioaren edukiera limitea -
Max size of text files displayed inline
Max size of text files displayed inline
Barnean erakuzten diren testu fitxategien tamaina maximoa -
Default Gravatar image
Default Gravatar image
Lehenetsitako Gravatar irudia -
Use Gravatar user icons
Use Gravatar user icons
Erabili Gravatar erabiltzaile ikonoak -
Host name and path
Host name and path
Ostalari izena eta bidea -
Calculate the issue done ratio with
Calculate the issue done ratio with
Zereginen burututako tasa kalkulatzean erabili: -
Use the issue field
Use the issue field
Zeregin eremua erabili -
Use the issue status
Use the issue status
Zeregin egoera erabili
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