WebTranslateIt Software SL/Redmine
Account was successfully created. To activate your account, click on the link that was emailed to you.
Account was successfully created. To activate your account, click on the link that was emailed to you.
A conta foi criada com sucesso. -
Unknown user.
Unknown user.
Utilizador desconhecido. -
Account was successfully updated.
Account was successfully updated.
A conta foi actualizada com sucesso. -
Wrong password
Wrong password
Palavra-chave errada. -
Your API access key was reset.
Your API access key was reset.
Your API access key was reset. -
This account uses an external authentication source. Impossible to change the password.
This account uses an external authentication source. Impossible to change the password.
Esta conta utiliza uma fonte de autenticação externa. Não é possível alterar a palavra-chave. -
Default configuration successfully loaded.
Default configuration successfully loaded.
Configuração padrão carregada com sucesso. -
An error occurred while sending mail ({{value}})
An error occurred while sending mail ({{value}})
Ocorreu um erro ao enviar o e-mail ({{value}}) -
An email was sent to {{value}}
An email was sent to {{value}}
Foi enviado um e-mail para {{value}} -
Failed to save {{count}} issue(s) on {{total}} selected: {{ids}}.
Failed to save {{count}} issue(s) on {{total}} selected: {{ids}}.
Não foi possível guardar {{count}} tarefa(s) das {{total}} seleccionadas: {{ids}}. -
Your RSS access key was reset.
Your RSS access key was reset.
A sua chave de RSS foi inicializada. -
The page you were trying to access doesn't exist or has been removed.
The page you were trying to access doesn't exist or has been removed.
A página que está a tentar aceder não existe ou foi removida. -
Issue done ratios updated.
Issue done ratios updated.
Issue done ratios updated. -
Data has been updated by another user.
Data has been updated by another user.
Os dados foram actualizados por outro utilizador. -
No issue is selected! Please, check the issues you want to edit.
No issue is selected! Please, check the issues you want to edit.
Nenhuma tarefa seleccionada! Por favor, seleccione as tarefas que quer editar. -
You are not authorized to access this page.
You are not authorized to access this page.
Não está autorizado a visualizar esta página. -
Successful connection.
Successful connection.
Ligado com sucesso. -
Successful creation.
Successful creation.
Criado com sucesso. -
Successful deletion.
Successful deletion.
Apagado com sucesso. -
Successful update.
Successful update.
Alterado com sucesso.