WebTranslateIt Software SL/Redmine
Authentication required
Authentication required
要求认证 -
Emission email address
Emission email address
邮件发件人地址 -
Enable WS for incoming emails
Enable WS for incoming emails
启用用于接收邮件的服务 -
API key
API key
API key -
Truncate emails after one of these lines
Truncate emails after one of these lines
在这些行之后截断邮件 -
Role given to a non-admin user who creates a project
Role given to a non-admin user who creates a project
非管理员用户新建项目时将被赋予的(在该项目中的)角色 -
Allow OpenID login and registration
Allow OpenID login and registration
允许使用OpenID登录和注册 -
Minimum password length
Minimum password length
最短密码长度 -
Objects per page options
Objects per page options
每页显示条目个数的设置 -
Plain text mail (no HTML)
Plain text mail (no HTML)
纯文本(无HTML) -
协议 -
Repositories encodings
Repositories encodings
版本库编码 -
Maximum number of revisions displayed on file log
Maximum number of revisions displayed on file log
在文件变更记录页面上显示的最大修订版本数量 -
Enable REST web service
Enable REST web service
启用REST web service -
允许自注册 -
Generate sequential project identifiers
Generate sequential project identifiers
顺序产生项目标识 -
Start calendars on
Start calendars on
日历开始于 -
Enable WS for repository management
Enable WS for repository management
启用用于版本库管理的Web Service -
Text formatting
Text formatting
文本格式 -
Time format
Time format
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