First name
First name
Eesnimi -
Last name
Last name
Perekonnanimi -
Import subjects
Import subjects
Avalike kõnede import -
Choose language
Choose language
Vali keel -
Save to database
Save to database
Salvesta andmebaasi -
Add public talk's subjects. Copy themes and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V). Number should be in the first column and theme in the second.
Add public talk's subjects. Copy themes and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V).
Number should be in the first column and theme in the second.Avalike kõnede lisamine. Kopeeri kõned lõikelauale ja liimi all olevale väljale (Ctrl + V)
Esimeses tulbas peab olema kõnede numbrid ja teises teemad. -
Add songs. Copy all data to clipboard and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V). Number should be in the first column and theme in the second.
Add songs. Copy all data to clipboard and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V).
Number should be in the first column and theme in the second.Lisa laulud. Kopeeri laulud ja kleebi need allpool kasti : Ctrl + V / cmd +V. Laulu number peab olema esimeses veerus ja nimi teises. -
kp -
kõne nr -
pealkiri -
materjal -
tinglik olukord -
õppetund -
Pealkiri -
A public talk with the same number is already saved! Do you want to discontinue the previous talk? Scheduled talks will be moved to the To Do List.
A public talk with the same number is already saved!
Do you want to discontinue the previous talk?
Scheduled talks will be moved to the To Do List.Sama numbriga avalik kõne on juba salvestatud!
Kas märkida eelmine kõne tühistatuks?
Plaanitud kõned viiakse üle aktiivsete kõnede nimekirja. -
Previous talk:
Previous talk:
Eelmine kõne: -
New talk:
New talk:
Uus kõne: -
Public talk themes not found. Add themes and try again!
Public talk themes not found. Add themes and try again!
Kõnede pealkirjad puudu. Lisa kõne pealkirjad ja proovi uuesti! -
rows added
rows added
rida lisatud -
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Language Options
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