Street type is already saved!
Street type is already saved!
Street type is already saved! -
Street type added to database
Street type added to database
Street type added to database -
Remove permissions for the selected user?
Remove permissions for the selected user?
Remove permissions for the selected user? -
Date -
Theme -
Released on
Released on
Released on -
Discontinued on
Discontinued on
Discontinued on -
Ukoliko ovo predavanje uklonite sa spiska predavanja, svi termini u kojima je zakazano to predavanje biće premešteni na spisak Uraditi.
Ukoliko ovo predavanje uklonite sa spiska predavanja, svi termini u kojima je zakazano to predavanje biće premešteni na spisak Uraditi.
Discontinuing this talk will move talks scheduled with this outline to the To Do List.
Final Talk
Final Talk
Final Talk -
Revision -
Name -
Color -
Number of address type is missing
Number of address type is missing
Number of address type is missing -
Nije uneta vrsta adrese
Nije uneta vrsta adrese
Name of address type is missing -
Address type is already saved!
Address type is already saved!
Address type is already saved! -
Address type added to database
Address type added to database
Address type added to database -
Greška pri slanju imejla
Greška pri slanju imejla
Error sending e-mail -
Označi ePub datoteku
Označi ePub datoteku
Select ePub file -
Napomena: Proverite da li je izvor iz kojeg ova datoteka dolazi pouzdan. Nastaviti?
Napomena: Proverite da li je izvor iz kojeg ova datoteka dolazi pouzdan. Nastaviti?
Warning: Make sure this file comes from a trusted source. Continue? -
Komandna datoteka
Komandna datoteka
Command File
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