Dearfriend/Herói Postal
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Please review the problems below:
Please review the problems below:
Por favor, veja os problemas abaixo: -
I want to be a volunteer
I want to be a volunteer
Eu quero fazer parte da Liga -
We carefully select Dear Friend’s superheroes who makes things happen. When a verified volunteer gives up, our team personally selects new wanna-be-volunteers. You will then be able to download and deliver the messages, collect the letters and post them.
We carefully select Dear Friend’s superheroes who makes things happen. When a verified volunteer gives up, our team personally selects new wanna-be-volunteers. You will then be able to download and deliver the messages, collect the letters and post them.
Selecionamos cuidadosamente voluntários que queiram ser membros da Liga e fazer as coisas acontecerem. Quando um dos membros deixa a Liga, nosso time pessoalmente seleciona um novo voluntário que poderá entregar as mensagens a um Herói Postal, coletá-las em formato de cartas e postar aos destinatários com muito carinho. -
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Max. 2000 characters
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