Public Localization
Expected Delivery
Expected Delivery
Entrega prevista -
Delivery Method
Delivery Method
Método de envío -
Total Weight
Total Weight
Peso total -
Qty. Ordered
Qty. Ordered
Cantidad pedida -
Qty. Delivered
Qty. Delivered
Cantidad entregada -
Total items
Total items
Total productos -
Picking List
Picking List
Lista de selección -
Picking Information
Picking Information
Información de selección -
Due Delivery
Due Delivery
Entrega vencida -
Total Weight
Total Weight
Peso total -
Qty. ordered
Qty. ordered
Cantidad pedida -
Qty. to be prepared
Qty. to be prepared
Cantidad a preparar -
Qty. already prepared
Qty. already prepared
Cantidad preparada -
Seleccionado -
Total items
Total items
Total productos -
Reiniciar -
%{document_type} settings
%{document_type} settings
%{document_type} ajustes -
Global documents settings
Global documents settings
Criterios globales -
Aspecto -
Color scheme
Color scheme
Paleta de colores
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