AgoraPulse/[Old] Manager
Engagement -
Do you publish engaging content? Here's the number of retweets and likes generated by your content over the last 30 days. The higher the better!
Do you publish engaging content? Here's the number of retweets and likes generated by your content over the last 30 days. The higher the better!
¿Publicas contenido interesante? Aquí está el número de retweets y likes generados por tu contenido en los últimos 30 días. ¡Entre más alto, mejor! -
Awareness -
Are people talking about you? Here's the number of tweets published by users about you during the last 30 days (found with retweets and monitoring keywords). The higher the better!
Are people talking about you? Here's the number of tweets published by users about you during the last 30 days (found with retweets and monitoring keywords). The higher the better!
¿Las personas hablan sobre tu marca? Este es el número tweets publicados por usuarios durante los últimos 30 días (encontrados por medio de menciones y monitoreo de palabras clave). ¡Entre más alto mejor! -
Configuración -
Statistics are calculated on a daily basis. You'll see updated stats for the latest 30 days every day.
Statistics are calculated on a daily basis. You'll see updated stats for the latest 30 days every day.
Las estadísticas son calculadas diariamente. Podrás ver las estadísticas actualizadas cada día de los últimos 30 días. -
Audiencia -
Engagement -
Awareness -
Administración -
Audiencia -
Is your audience growing?<br/>Discover who's in your audience and get to know them!
Is your audience growing?
Discover who's in your audience and get to know them!¿Quién es tu audiencia? ¿Está creciendo?<br/>
¡Conoce a tus seguidores principales! -
Top followers
Top followers
Seguidores principales -
Users that have interacted (messages or mentions) with you the most during the selected period.
Users that have interacted (messages or mentions) with you the most during the selected period.
Usuarios que han interactuado con los tweets que publicaste (a través de menciones o MD) durante el periodo seleccionado. -
New followers
New followers
Nuevos seguidores -
New follower
New follower
Nuevo seguidor -
Daily new followers
Daily new followers
Nuevos seguidores diarios -
Lifetime followers
Lifetime followers
Total de seguidores -
Publishing & Engagement
Publishing & Engagement
Publicación y Engagement -
Is your content producing more engagement over time?<br/>Check out your best performing content!
Is your content producing more engagement over time?
Check out your best performing content!¿Publicas contenido interesante? ¿Está mejorando?<br/>
¡Revisa tu contenido con mayor engagement!