AgoraPulse/[Old] Manager
no picture
no picture
Sin imagen -
Enlace -
Token set by
Token set by
Token añadido por -
No ad campaigns found, please double check the account you selected
No ad campaigns found, please double check the account you selected
No se encontraron campañas de anuncios. Por favor revisa nuevamente la cuenta seleccionada. -
You currently have more active campaigns or ad creatives than allowed by your current plan:
You currently have more active campaigns or ad creatives than allowed by your current plan:
Actualmente tienes más campañas activas o número de anuncios que lo que permite tu plan actual. -
You're all good!
You're all good!
¡Todo en orden! -
You need to upgrade to the
You need to upgrade to the
Necesitas cambiar al plan -
plan to sync all the comments on your ads.
plan to sync all the comments on your ads.
para sincronizar todos los comentarios en tus anuncios. -
Some of the campaigns found for this ad account
Some of the campaigns found for this ad account
Algunas campañas que encontramos en tu cuenta de anuncios -
Active ad campaigns:
Active ad campaigns:
Campañas de anuncios activas: -
Max ad creatives per ad set:
Max ad creatives per ad set:
Máx. anuncios por conjunto de anuncios: -
Bitly account
Bitly account
Cuenta Bitly -
Connect a bitly account
Connect a bitly account
Conecta tu cuenta Bitly -
Successfully connected Bitly account : {0}
Successfully connected Bitly account : {0}
Has conectado exitosamente tu cuenta Bitly: {0} -
Switch to edit mode
Switch to edit mode
Cambiar al Modo de Edición -
Switch to preview mode
Switch to preview mode
Cambiar a Vista Preliminar -
Mensaje -
Include photo
Include photo
Incluir foto -
Foto -
Post to custom album
Post to custom album
Publicar en un álbum
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