AgoraPulse/[Old] Manager
<h4>Your email has been validated</h4>You will receive all page notifications at this email from now on.
Your email has been validated</h4>
You will receive all page notifications at this email from now on.<h4>
Tu dirección de email ha sido validada</h4>
Recibirás todas las notificaciones en este email a partir de hoy. -
<h4>Your email has been validated</h4>You will receive Agorapulse's notifications at this address from now on, unless you chose to use a separate address for page notifications in this page's notification settings.
Your email has been validated</h4>
You will receive Agorapulse's notifications at this address from now on, unless you chose to use a separate address for page notifications in this page's notification settings.<h4>
Tu correo electrónico ha sido validado</h4>
Recibirás todas las notificaciones de AgoraPulse en este correo electrónico a partir de ahora, exceptuando las notificaciones relativas a la página en caso de que especificaras otro correo electrónico para recibir las mismas. -
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Facebook Apps Manager
Facebook Apps Manager
Social Media Manager -
Manage your Facebook Apps easily from one place
Manage your Facebook Apps easily from one place
Administra fácilmente tus perfiles sociales desde un mismo lugar (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) -
Versión -
Suscripción -
Billing info
Billing info
Datos de facturación -
Profile info
Profile info
Información de perfil -
Current plan
Current plan
Plan actual -
Data retention:
Data retention:
Retención de datos: -
AgoraPulse logo:
AgoraPulse logo:
Logo de AgoraPulse: -
<h4>Max fan count reached</h4>You have reached the maximum total of fans for your current subscription.<br/>Please upgrade your subscription. If you don't do it yourself, your plan will be automatically upgraded so you won't lose any data.<h4>
Max fan count reached</h4>
You have reached the maximum total of fans for your current subscription.<br/>
Please upgrade your subscription. If you don't do it yourself, your plan will be automatically upgraded so you won't lose any data.<h4>
Nº máximo de fans alcanzado</h4><br/>
Ya has alcanzado el número máximo de fans que te permite tu nivel de suscripción actual.<br/>
Actualiza tu suscripción. Si no lo haces, tu plan subirá automáticamente de nivel para que así no pierdas dato alguno. -
<h4>Max fan count nearly reached</h4>You have nearly reached the maximum total of fans for your current subscription.<br/>Please upgrade your subscription. If you don't do it yourself, your plan will be automatically upgraded once the maximum total of fans is reached so you won't lose any data.
Max fan count nearly reached</h4>
You have nearly reached the maximum total of fans for your current subscription.<br/>
Please upgrade your subscription. If you don't do it yourself, your plan will be automatically upgraded once the maximum total of fans is reached so you won't lose any data.<h4>
Casi se ha alcanzado el número máximo de fans</h4>
Estás a punto de alcanzar el número máximo de fans autorizado para tu nivel de suscripción actual.<br/>
Actualiza tu suscripción. Si no lo haces, tu plan se actualizará automáticamente una vez que el número máximo de fans permitido haya sido sobrepasado a fin de que no pierdas ningún dato. -
Edit profile
Edit profile
Editar perfil -
Suscribir -
Mejorar plan -
Edit subscription
Edit subscription
Editar la suscripción