AgoraPulse/[Old] Manager
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Buttons - FanVotes
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Contenus -
Buttons - PersonalityTest
Edit personality typesEdit personality types
Personnalités -
Buttons - Quiz
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New campaign
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Nouvelle campagne -
Campaign edit
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Modals - Coupon
Coupon editCoupon edit
Modification du coupon -
Modals - FanVotes
Contenus -
Modals - PersonalityTest
Personality typesPersonality types
Types de personnalités -
Modals - Quiz
Questions -
Steps - Instant win
Perdu -
Gagné -
Actions publishingActions publishing
Partage des actions -
Benefit from Facebook frictionless sharing! Each time a user participates, their actions will automatically be shared on their friends' timelines and tickers. Note: To do this, Facebook will require your participants' permission for the app to publish on their behalf
Benefit from Facebook frictionless sharing! Each time a user participates, their actions will automatically be shared on their friends' timelines and tickers. Note: To do this, Facebook will require your participants' permission for the app to publish on their behalf
Profitez du partage automatique de Facebook ! Lorsqu'un utilisateur participe, ses actions seront automatiquement partagées sur son journal Facebook et le telex de ses amis. A noter: pour faire cela, Facebook requiert la permission "Publier en votre nom" de l'application. -
Age restriction
Age restriction
Restriction par âge -
If enabled, the age declared on each participant's Facebook profile will be used for validation (some people lie): participants who are not old enough will be redirected to the default idle page.
If enabled, the age declared on each participant's Facebook profile will be used for validation (some people lie): participants who are not old enough will be redirected to the default idle page.
Si cette option est activée, l'âge indiqué sur le profil Facebook des participants sera utilisé pour validation (certaines personnes mentent) : Les participants n'ayant pas l'âge minimum seront automatiquement re-dirigés vers l'image par défaut "Pas de jeu-concours en ce moment". -
Aucun -
18 years old
18 years old
18 ans
Buttons - Coupon