AgoraPulse/[Old] Manager
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Update subscription
Update subscription
Mettre à jour l'abonnement -
Downgrade subscription
Downgrade subscription
Souscrire à l'offre inférieure -
Upgrade subscription
Upgrade subscription
Souscrire à l'offre supérieure -
Cancel subscription
Cancel subscription
Résilier l'abonnement -
Edit billing
Edit billing
Modifier la facturation -
Nom -
Credit card
Credit card
Carte Bancaire -
Adresse -
Please update your contact and billing information
Please update your contact and billing information
Merci de mettre à jour vos informations de contact et de facturation. -
Your new credit card will be billed on your next recurring payment.
Your new credit card will be billed on your next recurring payment.
Votre nouvelle carte bancaire sera débitée lors du prochain paiement mensuel. -
Payment details
Payment details
Paiement -
Please provide your contact and billing information
Please provide your contact and billing information
Merci de renseigner le formulaire de paiement. -
Your monthly subscription will be renewed automatically each month. You can cancel at any time, no commitment.
Your monthly subscription will be renewed automatically each month. You can cancel at any time, no commitment.
Sans engagement, tacite reconduction. Vous pouvez annuler votre abonnement à tout moment. -
Confirmation -
Please confirm your subscription upgrade
Please confirm your subscription upgrade
Merci de confirmer votre souhait de souscrire à l'offre supérieure -
Your new billing cycle will start today and your new plan will be effective immediately.
Your new billing cycle will start today and your new plan will be effective immediately.
Votre nouveau cycle de facturation débutera aujourd'hui et votre nouvelle offre sera effective immédiatement. -
You'll immediately pay the new plan's price minus the amount that remained to be paid under your previous plan until the end of your current billing cycle.<br/>In a nutshell, you're not going to be charged twice for this period, we are prorating everything!
You'll immediately pay the new plan's price minus the amount that remained to be paid under your previous plan until the end of your current billing cycle.
In a nutshell, you're not going to be charged twice for this period, we are prorating everything!Vous paierez immédiatement le tarif de la nouvelle offre, moins le montant de ce qu'il restait à payer de l'offre précédente jusqu'à la prochaine échéance de prélèvement.<br/>
En bref : nous ne prélèverons pas deux fois votre compte pour cette période, nous réalisons un prorata.