AgoraPulse/[Old] Manager
Top tweets
Top tweets
Top Tweets -
Tweets that have generated the most interactions (RT or Likes) during the selected period.
Tweets that have generated the most interactions (RT or Likes) during the selected period.
Tweets ayant généré le plus d'interactions (RT ou J'aime) au cours de la période sélectionnée. -
Top hashtags
Top hashtags
Top Hashtags -
Hashtags you've tweeted that have generated the most user interactions (mentions, retweets or likes) during the selected period.<br/>Roll over tags to see the number of interactions.
Hashtags you've tweeted that have generated the most user interactions (mentions, retweets or likes) during the selected period.
Roll over tags to see the number of interactions.Hashtags utilisés dans votre tweet ayant généré le plus d'interactions de la part de vos utilisateurs (mentions, RT ou J'aime) au cours de la période sélectionnée.<br/>
Passez au-dessus de chaque mot-clé pour voir le nombre d'interactions. -
Interactions -
Monitoring & Awareness
Monitoring & Awareness
Veille & Notoriété -
Is the buzz around your brand growing?<br/>Get to know your top ambassadors!
Is the buzz around your brand growing?
Get to know your top ambassadors!Est-ce les utilisateurs parlent de vous ? Est-ce que ces discussions augmentent ?<br/>
Découvrez vos meilleurs ambassadeurs ! -
Number of tweets published by users about you (found with retweets, mentions and monitored keywords)
Number of tweets published by users about you (found with retweets, mentions and monitored keywords)
Nombre de tweets que les utilisateurs ont publié à votre sujet (trouvés grâce aux retweets, aux mentions et à la veille par mots-clés). -
Top ambassadors
Top ambassadors
Top ambassadeurs -
People that have published tweets about you (found with monitored keywords) during the selected period.
People that have published tweets about you (found with monitored keywords) during the selected period.
Utilisateurs ayant publié des tweets à votre sujet (trouvés grâce à la veille) au cours de la période sélectionnée. -
No tweets have been found with monitored keywords, mentions and RT, during the selected period.<br/>You might check your monitoring configuration.
No tweets have been found with monitored keywords, mentions and RT, during the selected period.
You might check your monitoring configuration.Aucun tweet n'a été trouvé dans la veille par mot-clé, les mentions et RT, au cours de la période sélectionnée.<br/>
Vérifiez la configuration de votre veille. -
Mots-clés -
Monitored tweets
Monitored tweets
Tweets surveillés - = Number of time a user has published a tweet with one of your monitored hashtag
Monitored locationsMonitored locations
Lieux surveillés - = Number of time a user has published a tweet with in one of your monitored location
Community ManagementCommunity Management
Community Management -
Have you reviewed all mentions and replied to everyone?<br/>Congratulations, community managers!
Have you reviewed all mentions and replied to everyone?
Congratulations, community managers!Avez-vous traité toutes vos mentions ? Combien de réponses ont été publiées ?<br/>
Bravo ! -
No user mentions have been found during the selected period.
No user mentions have been found during the selected period.
Aucun mention d'utilisateur n'a été retrouvée au cours de la période sélectionnée. -
Reviewed mentions
Reviewed mentions
Mentions traités -
Reviewed tweets
Reviewed tweets
Tweets traités -
Unapproved tweets
Unapproved tweets
Tweets non-approuvés