AgoraPulse/[Old] Manager
Hashtags you've tweeted that have generated the most user interactions (mentions, retweets or likes) during the selected period.<br/>Roll over tags to see the number of interactions.
Hashtags you've tweeted that have generated the most user interactions (mentions, retweets or likes) during the selected period.
Roll over tags to see the number of interactions.Hashtags que você usou em seus tweets que geraram a maioria das interações dos usuários (menções, retweets ou curtidas) durante o período selecionado.<br/>
Passe o mouse nas tags para ver o número de interações. -
Interações -
Monitoring & Awareness
Monitoring & Awareness
Monitoramento e Consciência de marca -
Is the buzz around your brand growing?<br/>Get to know your top ambassadors!
Is the buzz around your brand growing?
Get to know your top ambassadors!As pessoas falam sobre sobre sua marca<br/>
Conheça seus principais embaixadores! -
Number of tweets published by users about you (found with retweets, mentions and monitored keywords)
Number of tweets published by users about you (found with retweets, mentions and monitored keywords)
Número de tweets publicados por usuários sobre você (encontrados com retweets, menções e palavras-chave monitorados) -
Top ambassadors
Top ambassadors
Principais embaixadores -
People that have published tweets about you (found with monitored keywords) during the selected period.
People that have published tweets about you (found with monitored keywords) during the selected period.
Pessoas que publicaram tweets sobre você (encontradas com palavras-chave monitorada) durante o período selecionado. -
No tweets have been found with monitored keywords, mentions and RT, during the selected period.<br/>You might check your monitoring configuration.
No tweets have been found with monitored keywords, mentions and RT, during the selected period.
You might check your monitoring configuration.Nenhum tweet foi encontrado com palavras-chave monitoradas, menções e RT, durante o período selecionado.<br/>
Você pode verificar a sua configuração de monitoramento. -
Palavras-chave -
Monitored tweets
Monitored tweets
Tweets monitorado - = Number of time a user has published a tweet with one of your monitored hashtag
Monitored locationsMonitored locations
Locais monitorados - = Number of time a user has published a tweet with in one of your monitored location
Community ManagementCommunity Management
Gerenciamento da comunidade -
Have you reviewed all mentions and replied to everyone?<br/>Congratulations, community managers!
Have you reviewed all mentions and replied to everyone?
Congratulations, community managers!Você revisou todas as menções? Quantas respostas foram publicadas?<br/>
Parabéns, gerentes da comunidade! -
No user mentions have been found during the selected period.
No user mentions have been found during the selected period.
Nenhuma menção de usuários foi encontrada durante o período selecionado. -
Reviewed mentions
Reviewed mentions
Menções revisadas -
Reviewed tweets
Reviewed tweets
Tweets revisados -
Unapproved tweets
Unapproved tweets
Tweets desaprovados -
Approved tweets
Approved tweets
Tweets aprovados -
Conversations with users
Conversations with users
Conversas com usuários -
Published tweets
Published tweets
Tweets publicados