gTrax/gTrax Translation
{0} to {1}
Date Range
Description: Report heading start to end date
0=htmlElement1Begin (Example: ), 1=htmlElement1End (Example: ), 2=htmlElement2Begin (Example: ), 3=htmlElement2End (Example: ){0}Start{1} to {2}End{3} -
Project Code
Your initial budget is the amount of effort a client has agreed to pay for. It is independent of the Time Category budgets, and should be used for comparison of initial estimate and actual effort logged against the project.
Time Categories
Project Name
Description: Number of hours logged against a project vs. budgeted
0=htmlElement1Begin (Example: ), 1=htmlElement1End (Example: ), 2=htmlElement2Begin (Example: ), 3=htmlElement3Begin (Example: ), 4=htmlElement3End (Example: ), 5=htmlElement2End (Example: )There are {0}0{1} hours logged {2}out of {3}0{4} hours budgeted{5} for this project. -
Recent Activity
Assigned Resources
Select a resource
New Category
Below are the time slices that have been logged by resources against this project.
Project Type
Description: Do you want to add a budget to the project
0=widget1 (Example: ), 1=widget2 (Example: )Do you want to add time category {0} {1} to the project? -
Initial Budget
Below are the projects that have been created for your organization. To view or edit an existing project click on its linked Project Name. Archived projects are hidden by default, but if you''d like to see them you can choose the "Show Archived Projects" checkbox.
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Description: Report date range select boxes
0=startDate (Example: ), 1=endDate (Example: )