gTrax/gTrax Translation
Project Name
Project Name
Nom du Projet -
Description: Number of hours logged against a project vs. budgeted
0=htmlElement1Begin (Example: ), 1=htmlElement1End (Example: ), 2=htmlElement2Begin (Example: ), 3=htmlElement3Begin (Example: ), 4=htmlElement3End (Example: ), 5=htmlElement2End (Example: )There are {0}0{1} hours logged {2}out of {3}0{4} hours budgeted{5} for this project.There are {0}0{1} hours logged {2}out of {3}0{4} hours budgeted{5} for this project.
Il y a {0}0{1} heures comptabilisées {2}sur un total de {3}0{4} heures budgetées{5} pour ce projet. -
Recent Activity
Recent Activity
Activité récente -
Assigned Resources
Assigned Resources
Ressources affectées -
Heures -
Select a resource
Select a resource
Selectionner une ressource -
New Category
New Category
Nouvelle Catégorie -
Below are the time slices that have been logged by resources against this project.
Below are the time slices that have been logged by resources against this project.
Vous trouvez ci-dessous les décomptes de temps comptabilisés par les ressources pour ce projet. -
Project Type
Project Type
Type de projet -
Description: Do you want to add a budget to the project
0=widget1 (Example: ), 1=widget2 (Example: )Do you want to add time category {0} {1} to the project?Do you want to add time category {0} {1} to the project?
Voulez vous ajouter la catégorie de temps {0} {1} à ce projet ? -
Initial Budget
Initial Budget
Budget initial -
Below are the projects that have been created for your organization. To view or edit an existing project click on its linked Project Name. Archived projects are hidden by default, but if you''d like to see them you can choose the "Show Archived Projects" checkbox.
Below are the projects that have been created for your organization. To view or edit an existing project click on its linked Project Name. Archived projects are hidden by default, but if you''d like to see them you can choose the "Show Archived Projects" checkbox.
Les projets qui ont été créé pour votre organisation apparaissent ci-dessous. Pour afficher ou éditer un projet existant, cliquer sur le nom du projet. Par défaut, les projets archivés sont cachés, mais si vous voulez les voir vous pouvez cocher la case "Montrer les projets archivés". -
Sauvegarder -
heures -
Welcome to <strong>gTrax</strong>, the premier time tracking application for Google Apps. We''d love to hear your thoughts on gTrax via the "Feedback" link in the above menu bar. Below is the time you have logged today. If you do not have any projects in the "Projects" column you may need your administrator to assign projects to you.
Welcome to
, the premier time tracking application for Google Apps. We''d love to hear your thoughts on gTrax via the "Feedback" link in the above menu bar. Below is the time you have logged today. If you do not have any projects in the "Projects" column you may need your administrator to assign projects to you.Bienvenue sur<strong>
, la première application de gestion du temps pour Google Apps. Nous attendons vos commentaires via le lien Commentaires dans la barre de menu en bas de cet écran. Ci-dessous vous voyez le temps que vous avez indiqué aujourd''hui. Si aucun projet n''apparait dans la colonne "Projets", demandez à votre adminnistrateur de vous affecter des projets. -
à -
Documents -
gTrax settings
gTrax settings
Paramètres gTrax -
Sign out
Sign out
Se Déconnecter -
Description: Project name label