FLOSS Manuals/Booktype in Finnish
Gutter -
Number of columns
Number of columns
Number of columns -
Column margin
Column margin
Column margin -
Advanced (style sheets)
Advanced (style sheets)
Advanced (style sheets) -
Your Custom CSS
Your Custom CSS
Your Custom CSS -
Booktype CSS (be careful if changing)
Booktype CSS (be careful if changing)
Booktype CSS (be careful if changing) -
Override ALL previous settings with custom CSS
Override ALL previous settings with custom CSS
Override ALL previous settings with custom CSS -
Ebook Settings
Ebook Settings
Ebook Settings -
Type of Ebook
Type of Ebook
Type of Ebook -
ipad -
kindle -
general -
CSS (Advanced)
CSS (Advanced)
CSS (Advanced) -
Your custom CSS
Your custom CSS
Your custom CSS -
Open Document Text (.odt) Settings
Open Document Text (.odt) Settings
Open Document Text (.odt) Settings -
Screen Formatted PDF Settings
Screen Formatted PDF Settings
Screen Formatted PDF Settings -
If in doubt, choose 'none'
If in doubt, choose 'none'
If in doubt, choose 'none' -
Columns -
Access error
Access error
Access error -
You have no permission to edit this book.
You have no permission to edit this book.
You have no permission to edit this book.
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