Delete harvest
Delete harvest
Eliminar cosecha -
List harvests
List harvests
Lista de cosechas -
New harvest
New harvest
Nueva cosecha -
Imprimir -
Cerrar -
This text will not be visible when printed.
This text will not be visible when printed.
Este texto no será visible cuando se imprima. -
Q/Colmena -
Click to add task...
Click to add task...
Clic pata agregar una tarea... -
Detalles -
No tasks outstanding
No tasks outstanding
No hay tareas pendientes -
Beetight uses the %s site for comments, support and feature requests. Choose from one of the options below, according to whether you have an idea, a question, a problem or if you just want to give us some praise.
Beetight uses the %s site for comments, support and feature requests. Choose from one of the options below, according to whether you have an idea, a question, a problem or if you just want to give us some praise.
Beetight utiliza el sitio %s para las solicitudes de comentarios, el soporte y el requerimiento de características. Elija entre una de las siguientes opciones, dependiendo de si usted tiene una idea, una pregunta, un problema o si simplemente quieres darnos algún elogio. -
All hive types are supported, including
All hive types are supported, including
Todos los tipos de colmena son soportados, incluyendo -
Top bar hives
Top bar hives
Colmenas barra superior -
Beetight is the future of hive record keeping
Beetight is the future of hive record keeping
Beetight es el futuro para el mantenimiento de registro de colmena -
Junio -
Login with Facebook
Login with Facebook
Ingresar con Facebook -
Add Task
Add Task
Agregar Tarea -
Delete task
Delete task
Eliminar tarea -
Confirm password
Confirm password
Confirmar contraseña -
You've added %d of your maximum %d hives. If you upgrade for $15 you can add up to 1000 hives.
You've added %d of your maximum %d hives. If you upgrade for $15 you can add up to 1000 hives.
Has añadido %d del máximo de %d colmenas. Si realiza una actualización por U$S 15 usted puede agregar hasta 1.000 colmenas.
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