Inspection deleted
Inspection deleted
Visita cancellata -
Invalid queen
Invalid queen
Regina non valida -
The queen has been saved
The queen has been saved
La regina é stata salvata -
The queen could not be saved. Please try again.
The queen could not be saved. Please try again.
La regina non é stata salvata. Prova ancora. -
Queen deleted
Queen deleted
Regina cancellata -
Invalid task
Invalid task
Operazione non valida -
The code entered was invalid
The code entered was invalid
Il codice inserito non é corretto -
This account is locked due to violation of terms
This account is locked due to violation of terms
L´ account é bloccato per violazione dei termini di servizio. -
We can't find an account with that email address
We can't find an account with that email address
Non esiste un´ account associato a questo indirizzo mail -
An email has been sent with instructions to reset your password
An email has been sent with instructions to reset your password
Una e-mail è stata inviata con le istruzioni per reimpostare la password -
Ticket could not be issued
Ticket could not be issued
Biglietto non potrebbe essere rilasciato -
Your ticket has been validated. Please enter your new password below
Your ticket has been validated. Please enter your new password below
Il biglietto è stato convalidato. Inserisci la nuova password qui sotto -
Your ticket is lost or expired.
Your ticket is lost or expired.
Il biglietto è perso o è scaduto. -
Unknown user or wrong password
Unknown user or wrong password
utente sconosciuto o password errata -
Benvenuti! -
Arrivederci -
The user has been saved
The user has been saved
L'utente è stato salvato -
The user could not be saved. Please try again.
The user could not be saved. Please try again.
L'utente non può essere salvato. Prova di nuovo. -
Please enter your current login details to continue.
Please enter your current login details to continue.
Inserisci i tuoi dati di accesso attuali per continuare. -
Your settings have been changed
Your settings have been changed
Le impostazioni sono state modificate
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