<img src="img/screenshots/hive-detail.png" height="154" alt="Hive Detail" width="306" />
<img src="img/screenshots/hive-detail.png" height="154" alt="Hive Detail" width="306" />
<img src="img/screenshots/hive-detail.png" height="154" alt="Stropa informācija" width="306" />
<img src="img/screenshots/hive-label.png" height="231" alt="Hive Label" width="176" />
<img src="img/screenshots/hive-label.png" height="231" alt="Hive Label" width="176" />
<img src="img/screenshots/hive-label.png" height="231" alt="Stropa apzīmējums" width="176" />
Sorry, but you do not have permission to access that location.
Sorry, but you do not have permission to access that location.
Diemžēl jums nav atļaujas piekļūt šai vietai. -
stropi -
Apiary deleted
Apiary deleted
Drava izdzēsta -
Harvest deleted
Harvest deleted
Ievākšana dzēsta -
You must add an apiary before creating a hive
You must add an apiary before creating a hive
Lai varētu pievienot stropu, vispirms ir jāpievieno drava. -
Invalid count. Please enter a valid number.
Invalid count. Please enter a valid number.
Kļūdains skaits. Lūdzu ievadi skaitli. -
Invalid value entered to start hive numbering from. Please enter a number.
Invalid value entered to start hive numbering from. Please enter a number.
Stropu numerācijas sākumskaitlis nav derīgs. Lūdzu ievadi skaitli. -
Sorry, but creating that many hives would take you over your hive limit. Please choose a different number or contact us to discuss an upgrade
Sorry, but creating that many hives would take you over your hive limit. Please choose a different number or contact us to discuss an upgrade
Diemžēl tik daudzu stropu pievienošana pārsniegtu tavu atļauto stropu skaitu. Lūdzu izvēlies citu skaitli vai kontaktējies ar mums, lai palielinātu atļauto skaitu. -
Strops -
There was an error creating the hive.
There was an error creating the hive.
Veidojot stropu, radās kļūda. -
The hives have been successfully created.
The hives have been successfully created.
Stropi izveidoti veiksmīgi. -
The hive has been archived
The hive has been archived
Strops arhivēts. -
Invalid hive
Invalid hive
Nederīgs strops -
Hive deleted
Hive deleted
Strops dzēsts -
Invalid photo
Invalid photo
Nederīga bilde -
The photo has been saved
The photo has been saved
Bilde ir saglabāta -
The photo could not be saved. Please try again.
The photo could not be saved. Please try again.
Bildi neizdevās saglabāt. Lūdzu mēģini vēlreiz. -
Photo deleted
Photo deleted
Bilde dzēsta