Record primary forage at each site
Record primary forage at each site
Pierakstīt primāro medus avotu katrā dravā -
Hive records
Hive records
Stropu pieraksti -
View all details of a hive at a glance.
View all details of a hive at a glance.
Viegli pārskatīt visus veiktos pierakstus par stropu -
Track colony sources and queen parentage
Track colony sources and queen parentage
Sekot līdzi saimes izcelsmei un mātes ciltserakstiem -
Smart hive labels
Smart hive labels
Stropu apzīmējumi -
Quickly identify your hives with printable labels
Quickly identify your hives with printable labels
Ātri identificēt stropus pēc izdrukājamiem apzīmējumiem -
Most smartphones can read the special barcodes using their built-in camera
Most smartphones can read the special barcodes using their built-in camera
Vairums viedtālruņu spēj nolasīt speciālus kodus, izmantojot iebūvēto kameru -
Pull up hive records instantly
Pull up hive records instantly
Zibenīgi atrast vajadzīgo ierakstu -
Unique short "" link for every hive
Unique short "" link for every hive
Unikāla "" saite katrai saimei -
<img src="img/beetight-icon-large.jpg" height="256" alt="Hive inspection" width="256" />
<img src="img/beetight-icon-large.jpg" height="256" alt="Hive inspection" width="256" />
<img src="img/beetight-icon-large.jpg" height="256" alt="Stropa apskate" width="256" />
<img src="img/screenshots/apiary.png" height="243" alt="Apiary" width="320" />
<img src="img/screenshots/apiary.png" height="243" alt="Apiary" width="320" />
<img src="img/screenshots/apiary.png" height="243" alt="Drava" width="320" />
<img src="img/screenshots/hive-detail.png" height="154" alt="Hive Detail" width="306" />
<img src="img/screenshots/hive-detail.png" height="154" alt="Hive Detail" width="306" />
<img src="img/screenshots/hive-detail.png" height="154" alt="Stropa informācija" width="306" />
<img src="img/screenshots/hive-label.png" height="231" alt="Hive Label" width="176" />
<img src="img/screenshots/hive-label.png" height="231" alt="Hive Label" width="176" />
<img src="img/screenshots/hive-label.png" height="231" alt="Stropa apzīmējums" width="176" />
Sorry, but you do not have permission to access that location.
Sorry, but you do not have permission to access that location.
Diemžēl jums nav atļaujas piekļūt šai vietai. -
stropi -
Apiary deleted
Apiary deleted
Drava izdzēsta -
Harvest deleted
Harvest deleted
Ievākšana dzēsta -
You must add an apiary before creating a hive
You must add an apiary before creating a hive
Lai varētu pievienot stropu, vispirms ir jāpievieno drava. -
Invalid count. Please enter a valid number.
Invalid count. Please enter a valid number.
Kļūdains skaits. Lūdzu ievadi skaitli. -
Invalid value entered to start hive numbering from. Please enter a number.
Invalid value entered to start hive numbering from. Please enter a number.
Stropu numerācijas sākumskaitlis nav derīgs. Lūdzu ievadi skaitli.