Last inspected
Last inspected
Sist inspisert -
Ingen -
Upgrade required
Upgrade required
Oppgradering nødvendig -
This feature is for Pro users only. For just $15 per year you can upgrade and instantly unlock all features. You can also then have up to 1000 hives.
This feature is for Pro users only. For just $15 per year you can upgrade and instantly unlock all features. You can also then have up to 1000 hives.
Denne muligheten er kun for Pro brukere. For kun $15 pr. år kan du oppgradere og låse opp alle muligheter. Og du har muligheten til og føre opp til 1000 bikuber. -
Upgrade now
Upgrade now
Oppgrader nå -
Hive limit reached
Hive limit reached
Bikube antall oppnådd -
As you have a free acccount you are limited to a maximum of %d hives. At the moment you have %d hives. If you need more hives, you can upgrade your account.
As you have a free acccount you are limited to a maximum of %d hives. At the moment you have %d hives. If you need more hives, you can upgrade your account.
Siden du har ett gratis konto kan du ha opptil %d bikuber. På dette øyeblikk har du %d bikuber. Dersom du trenger flere bikuber, må du oppgrader din konto. -
Add Harvest
Add Harvest
Legg til høsitng -
Moisture (%)
Moisture (%)
Fukt (%) -
Nectar source
Nectar source
Nektar kilde -
List Harvests
List Harvests
Oppfør høsting -
Edit Harvest
Edit Harvest
Endre Høsting -
Høsting -
Are you sure you want to delete this harvest?
Are you sure you want to delete this harvest?
Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne denne høstingen? -
New Harvest
New Harvest
Ny Høsting -
Høsting -
Harvest Date
Harvest Date
Dato Høsting -
Vekt -
Batch code
Batch code
Parti Kode -
Moisture content
Moisture content
Fukt innhold
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