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If you set a password you can login either with your Facebook account or with your email and password.
If you set a password you can login either with your Facebook account or with your email and password.
Če ste postavili geslo se lahko prijavite z vašim Facebook računom ali z vašim elektronskim naslovom in geslom. -
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Welcome to Beetight Pro
Welcome to Beetight Pro
Dobrodošli v Beetight Pro -
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What's all this then?
What's all this then?
Kaj je vse to? -
Hi, I'm Matt and I made Beetight. I am a new beekeeper (just starting my second season). I have two colonies, which I keep in my garden in Cornwall, in the south-west of England. I wrote this because there didn't seem to be any decent bee record keeping software out there and I find it really hard to keep track of paper records, even with my two hives. As my day job is developing web applications I thought I'd try and make a simple site to manage records of inspections and so on.
Hi, I'm Matt and I made Beetight. I am a new beekeeper (just starting my second season). I have two colonies, which I keep in my garden in Cornwall, in the south-west of England. I wrote this because there didn't seem to be any decent bee record keeping software out there and I find it really hard to keep track of paper records, even with my two hives. As my day job is developing web applications I thought I'd try and make a simple site to manage records of inspections and so on.
Pozdravljeni , sem Matt in sem ustvaril Beetight. Sem nov čebelar (šele začenjam svojo drugo sezoni). Imam dve koloniji, ki jih imam v svojem vrtu v Cornwallu, na jugozahodu Anglije. To stran sem ustvaril zato, ker ni primerne aplikacije za evidenco čebelajenja, težko sem sledil zapisom na papirju čeprav samo z mojima dvema panjema. Krer je moje redno delo pisanje spletnih aplikacij se trudim da bi naredil preprosto spletno mesto za čebelarske zapise.