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Beetight uses the %s site for comments, support and feature requests. Choose from one of the options below, according to whether you have an idea, a question, a problem or if you just want to give us some praise.
Beetight uses the %s site for comments, support and feature requests. Choose from one of the options below, according to whether you have an idea, a question, a problem or if you just want to give us some praise.
All hive types are supported, including
All hive types are supported, including
Top bar hives
Top bar hives
Beetight is the future of hive record keeping
Beetight is the future of hive record keeping
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You've added %d of your maximum %d hives. If you upgrade for $15 you can add up to 1000 hives.
You've added %d of your maximum %d hives. If you upgrade for $15 you can add up to 1000 hives.
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Login using Facebook
Prijavi se z Facebook uporabniškim računom. -
Upgrading is really quick and easy, using PayPal. You can cancel whenever you want and won't be billed again, and can keep the Pro features until the end of your subscription year.
Upgrading is really quick and easy, using PayPal. You can cancel whenever you want and won't be billed again, and can keep the Pro features until the end of your subscription year.
Clicking 'Upgrade' will take you to the PayPal site.
Clicking 'Upgrade' will take you to the PayPal site.
Sign-up to track your beehives online
Sign-up to track your beehives online
To reset your password, please enter your email address below. We'll send you an email with instructions. For security reasons, please enter the two words in the box to prove that you're human.
To reset your password, please enter your email address below. We'll send you an email with instructions. For security reasons, please enter the two words in the box to prove that you're human.
To get started,
To get started,
Your account has been upgraded. You can now add up to 1000 hives, so you'd best get started!
Your account has been upgraded. You can now add up to 1000 hives, so you'd best get started!