Scan hive barcodes for instant access.
Display apiary locations on map.
Sign-up now to install Beetight for Android
Upgrade now to install Beetight for Android
Do you want to go faster?
Because all of your data is stored on your phone, Beetight for Android is blazingly fast. No need to wait for slow mobile networks: each hive loads instantly, and each inspection is added with a click.
Will it work on my phone or tablet?
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Hive tracking and record keeping, online and on mobile.
Beetight is a free web application for beekeepers and is the best way to manage your hives and track them online or on your phone. You'll wonder how you ever survived with the old notebooks and spreadsheets!
Beetight for iPhone and iPad
Beetight for iPhone & iPad
Sign-up now to install Beetight for iPhone & iPad
Upgrade now to install Beetight for iPhone & iPad
How much does this cost?
Beetight for iPhone & iPad is free for Beetight Pro users. If you need to upgrade to Beetight Pro, this costs just $15 per year.
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