The apiary features are particularly useful if you have hives at several sites. You can easily see which hives are where, and the dates of inspections. If you record the location, it will even show the current weather conditions and forecast for each site. You can see all of your apiaries on a map and click on them to get information.
Can I use this when I'm out in the field?
If you have a smartphone, then yes! If you have an iPhone, Android or other recent smart phone, you can use the Beetight mobile web app. You can record your inspections right from your cellphone. The mobile-optimised site makes it really quick and easy to enter the details. If you use the printable hive labels, you can read the barcodes with your phone's camera, instantly grabbing the details of that hive. It's a web app, so you don't need to install anything: just go to on your phone's browser and it will detect that you're using a smartphone.
Čebelarska programska oprema in spletno hranjenje zapisov panjev
Čebelarska programska oprema in spletno hranjenje zapisov panjev
Beekeeping software and online hive records -
Izpiši naloge
Izpiši naloge
List tasks -
Uredi naloge
Uredi naloge
Edit task -
Nova naloga
Nova naloga
New task -
Neveljaven čebelnjak
Neveljaven čebelnjak
Invalid apiary -
Čebelnjak je bil shranjen
Čebelnjak je bil shranjen
The apiary has been saved -
Čebelnjak ni bil shranjen. Prosimo poizkusiti znova.
Čebelnjak ni bil shranjen. Prosimo poizkusiti znova.
The apiary could not be saved. Please try again. -
Točenje je bilo shranjeno
Točenje je bilo shranjeno
The harvest has been saved -
Točenja ni bilo mogoče shraniti. Prosim poizkusitie znova.
Točenja ni bilo mogoče shraniti. Prosim poizkusitie znova.
The harvest could not be saved. Please try again. -
Napačno točenje
Napačno točenje
Invalid harvest -
Panj je bil shranjen.
Panj je bil shranjen.
The hive has been saved -
Panja ni bilo mogoče shraniti. Prosim poizkusite znova.
Panja ni bilo mogoče shraniti. Prosim poizkusite znova.
The hive could not be saved. Please try again. -
Died -
United -
Sold/Given away -
Swarmed -
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