Or you have to upload the file to the server.
Could not connect to the FTP server
Do not CHMOD directories (use server defaults).
Do not CHMOD files (use server defaults).
The function
Could not retrieve a directory listing from the FTP server.
JavaScript appears to be disabled in your browser. Please enable JavaScript before continuing.
Could not log in to the FTP server.
The function
The function
The function
UNEXPECTED: Non-numeric values for start and offset
The function
The function
The function
Could not access the specified FTP directory.
The function
The function
No file selected.
You can still continue the installation as the configuration settings will be displayed at the end. You will have to manually upload the code. Click in the text area to highlight all of the code and then paste into a new text file. Name this file 'configuration.php' and upload it to your site root folder.
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