Luminescence Software/Metatogger
The title of the album from which the piece is taken.
The track number of the piece on the album.
The date the piece is released, usually the year.
The music genre of the piece.
The name of the main artist when there is more than one artist on the album, as on a compilation.
The part of a set the piece comes from.
The writer of the lyrics of the piece.
The name of the composer of the piece.
The languages used in the lyrics of the piece.
The title of the original album when the piece has been re-released on an another album.
The name of the original artist of the piece when this one is a cover by an another artist.
The date of first release of the piece when this one has been re-released, usually the year.
Alternative "Album" tag used for sorting purposes.
Alternative "Artist" tag used for sorting purposes.
Alternative "Album Artist" tag used for sorting purposes.
Alternative "Title" tag used for sorting purposes.
The name of the label or publisher.
Any kind of information that does not fit in any other standard tags.
The lyrics of the song.
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