Fork Ltd./Prey
Disables booting on your computer by setting a password check at the bootloader (and optionally at the BIOS) level. RENDERS YOUR COMPUTER UNBOOTABLE.
Sets the precision of the location sensor. Higher sensibility means higher battery consuption.
Attempts to geolocate the device by using its internal GPS or the nearest wifi access points as reference.
String that will unlock the computer.
Unlock pass
Locks the computer from being used until a password is entered.
Get list of current active connections.
Get active connections
Get list of detected Wifi access points from PC.
Get nearby Wifi hotspots
Trace the complete route from the PC to the internet. Linux users should install the traceroute package for this to work.
Trace route
Grabs detailed information about the network status, such as the device's MAC and its public/private IP addresses.
Información a obtener
Marca los datos que deseas obtener de tu dispositivo en cada reporte.
No tiene efecto a menos de que el dispositivo sea marcado como desaparecido.</strong>
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