Fork Ltd./Prey
Just connected
We just received its first request.
Prey checking every %{minutes} minutes.
New private IP address
Here you can see your current tracked devices with Prey. If any of them has an
status it means we still haven't received any requests from the device yet. Please check the<a target='_blank' href=''>
troubleshooting guide</a>
if the status doesn't change some minutes after installation. -
All your devices
No requests from device yet.
© 2010 Prey - A project by
<a target='_blank' href=''>
Fork Ltd.</a>
, with the help of<a href=''>
various contributors</a>
.<br />
All content is<a target='_blank' href=''>
Creative Commons</a>
licensed, unless otherwise noted. -
If you forgot your password just enter your email address and we'll send you a reset link. You'll then be able to change your password to a new one. Remember to write it down this time!
How this works
Send code
Reset my password
No, maybe later
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