"These settings are recommended for PHP in order to ensure full compatibility with Joomla.<br />However, Joomla! will still operate if your settings do not quite match the recommended."
"These settings are recommended for PHP in order to ensure full compatibility with Joomla.
<br />
However, Joomla! will still operate if your settings do not quite match the recommended." -
"Database Configuration"
"Database Configuration"
"This is usually "localhost""
"This is usually "localhost""
"Host Name"
"Host Name"
"Some hosts allow only a certain DB name per site. Use table prefix in this case for distinct Joomla! sites."
"Some hosts allow only a certain DB name per site. Use table prefix in this case for distinct Joomla! sites."
"Database Name"
"Database Name"
"Any existing backup tables from former Joomla! installations will be replaced"
"Any existing backup tables from former Joomla! installations will be replaced"
"Old Database Process"
"Old Database Process"
"For site security using a password for the mysql account is mandatory"
"For site security using a password for the mysql account is mandatory"
"Dont use "bak_" since this is used for backup tables"
"Dont use "bak_" since this is used for backup tables"
"Table Prefix"
"Table Prefix"
"This is probably "mysql""
"This is probably "mysql""
"Database Type"
"Database Type"
"Either something as "_QQ_"root"_QQ_" or a username given by the hoster"
"Either something as "_QQ_"root"_QQ_" or a username given by the hoster"
"Connection Settings"
"Connection Settings"