Joom!Fish Component Preferences
Joom!Fish Component Preferences
Preferencias del Componente Joom!Fish -
Access Preferences
Access Preferences
Preferencias de acceso -
Publish from frontend?
Publish from frontend?
¿Publicar desde la portada? -
Publishers and above
Publishers and above
Editores y superior -
Nadie -
Who can publish translations directly from the frontend?
Who can publish translations directly from the frontend?
¿Quien puede publicar traducciones directamente desde la portada? -
Inactive Language Preview Preference
Inactive Language Preview Preference
Preferencias de Vista Previa de lenguajes inactivos -
Enable inactive languages for managers and above
Enable inactive languages for managers and above
Habilitar lenguajes inactivos para gestores y superiores -
Setting this to yes will mean that managers and above will be able to preview the site in an inactive language.
Setting this to yes will mean that managers and above will be able to preview the site in an inactive language.
Configurandolo a SI habilitara a los gestores y superiores a dar una vista previa del sitio en un lenguaje inactivo. -
Show default language in administration
Show default language in administration
If this option is selected the default language will be shown in the selection lists of the administrator interface.
If this option is selected the default language will be shown in the selection lists of the administrator interface.
MD5 key only
MD5 key only
Codigo MD5 solamente -
MD5 key and clear text
MD5 key and clear text
Código MD5 y texto -
The md5 hash key is used for comparing the original version the translation is based on. Storing this version in clean text additionally enlarges the database but allow better feedback of changes.
The md5 hash key is used for comparing the original version the translation is based on. Storing this version in clean text additionally enlarges the database but allow better feedback of changes.
El código md5 es usado para comparar si esta basado en la versión original de la traducción. Guardando esta versión en texto aumenta el tamańo de la base de datos pero permite mejorar la retroalimentación de cambios.