Upublisert -
You must enter a name
You must enter a name
Du må fylle inn et navn -
You must enter a corresponding Joomla name
You must enter a corresponding Joomla name
There is a language already with that Joomla name, please try again
There is a language already with that Joomla name, please try again
Det er allerede et språk med det navnet, forsøk på nytt -
List of names (vertical)
List of names (vertical)
Liste med navn (vertikal) -
List of images (vertical)
List of images (vertical)
Liste med bilder (vertikal) -
Spacer at display as text
Spacer at display as text
Skilletegn ved tekstvisning -
Activate all those modules you like to see on the Control Panel. In case an alert appears the Unpublished or State module will always be active!
Activate all those modules you like to see on the Control Panel. In case an alert appears the Unpublished or State module will always be active!
Aktiver alle de modulene du vil se i kontrollpanelet. Om en alarm vises vil 'Upublisert' og 'Status' -modulen alltid være aktiv! -
Nei -
Ja -
Store original version as
Store original version as
Lagre originalversjon som -
Control Panel Modules
Control Panel Modules
Which modules are active on the control panel
Which modules are active on the control panel
Hvilken moduler som er aktive i kontrollpanelet -
Credits and the rest of the universe
Credits and the rest of the universe
Management information / result
Management information / result
Behandlingsinformasjon/-resultat -
This feature allows you to manage your translations and execute certain maintenance tasks.<br />Please choose one of task from left side.
This feature allows you to manage your translations and execute certain maintenance tasks.
<br />
Please choose one of task from left side.Denne funksjonen lar deg behandle dine oversettelser, og kjøre noen vedlikeholdsoppgaver.<br />
Velg en oppgave fra venstre side. -
Check Translation Status
Check Translation Status
Sjekk status på oversettelse -
Check Original Status
Check Original Status
Sjekk originalstatus -
Content Element Status
Content Element Status
Innholdselement-status -
Copy original to language
Copy original to language
Kopier original til oversettelse