Spacer for displaying language selector in textmode when in horizontal mode.<br /><strong>Hint</strong>: If nothing is filled here in, but horizontal mode is selected, usually a spacer will be defined by Joomla as: | (with space before and after).<br />Space before and after will be used always.
Spacer for displaying language selector in textmode when in horizontal mode.
<br /><strong>
: If nothing is filled here in, but horizontal mode is selected, usually a spacer will be defined by Joomla as: | (with space before and after).<br />
Space before and after will be used always.Skilletegn når språkvalg vises i horisontal tekstvisning.<br /><strong>
: Om ingenting fylles inn her, og horisontal visning er valgt, vil et skilletegn bli vist av Joomla! som: | (med mellomrom før og etter).<br />
Mellomrom før og etter vil alltid bli brukt. -
Use this additional dialog to set and overwrite existing global settings
Use this additional dialog to set and overwrite existing global settings
Bruk denne ekstradialogen til å angi og overskrive eksisterende globale innstillinger -
Choose a Joomla filename to represent a fallback language if no translation exists in selected language.
Choose a Joomla filename to represent a fallback language if no translation exists in selected language.
Velg et Joomla-filnavn som skal virke som et tilbakefallspråk om ingen oversettelse eksisterer for valgte språk. -
Feil: -
The content item [ %s ] is currently being edited by another administrator // %s=$actContentObject->title
The content item [ %s ] is currently being edited by another administrator // %s=$actContentObject->title
Config file not writeable!
Config file not writeable!
Konfigurasjonfilen er ikke skrivbar! -
Multi lingual abstraction layer mambot is not installed or published - will not work in this state!
Multi lingual abstraction layer mambot is not installed or published - will not work in this state!
Flerspråklig programtillegg er ikke installert eller publisert - Joom!fish vil ikke virke uten denne! -
File could not be copied
File could not be copied
Fil kunne ikke kopieres -
You must choose a language
You must choose a language
Du må velge et språk -
No such translation as %s - it has not been deleted<br/>
No such translation as %s - it has not been deleted
Ingen oversettelse som %s, den har ikke blitt slettet<br/>
Something dodgy going on here - please report this message to Joomfish developers<br/>
Something dodgy going on here - please report this message to Joomfish developers
Noe rart forgår her, vennligst rapporter dette til Joom!fish-utviklerne<br/>
Upublisert -
You must enter a name
You must enter a name
Du må fylle inn et navn -
You must enter a corresponding Joomla name
You must enter a corresponding Joomla name
There is a language already with that Joomla name, please try again
There is a language already with that Joomla name, please try again
Det er allerede et språk med det navnet, forsøk på nytt -
List of names (vertical)
List of names (vertical)
Liste med navn (vertikal) -
List of images (vertical)
List of images (vertical)
Liste med bilder (vertikal) -
Spacer at display as text
Spacer at display as text
Skilletegn ved tekstvisning -
Activate all those modules you like to see on the Control Panel. In case an alert appears the Unpublished or State module will always be active!
Activate all those modules you like to see on the Control Panel. In case an alert appears the Unpublished or State module will always be active!
Aktiver alle de modulene du vil se i kontrollpanelet. Om en alarm vises vil 'Upublisert' og 'Status' -modulen alltid være aktiv! -