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Image file
Image file
Nazwa pliku obrazu -
Displayname of the language
Displayname of the language
To use the default flags leave empty (File name based on short code!). For individual flags use the relative path based on your Joomla image directory.
To use the default flags leave empty (File name based on short code!). For individual flags use the relative path based on your Joomla image directory.
Aby używać domyślnych flag, pozostaw pole puste (nazwa pliku bazuje na skróconym kodzie!). Aby ustawić indywidualne flagi, użyj względnej ścieżki do katalogu obrazów (np. /images) Joomla!. -
SEF code
SEF code
Krótki kod -
Define a short code for usage within language switching or the URL. If empty Locale/ISO code will be used.
Define a short code for usage within language switching or the URL. If empty Locale/ISO code will be used.
Definiuje skrócony kod do użytku w celu przełączania języka lub w adresie. Jeżeli pole Lokalizator jest puste, użyty będzie kod ISO języka. -
The name of the Joomla! language directory.
The name of the Joomla! language directory.
Nazwa katalogu języków Joomla! -
aktywny -
Joomla file
Joomla file
Nazwa pliku Joomla -
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;">What to show if ...</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;">
What to show if ...</div>
Co pokazać, jeśli ... -
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;">Advanced Users Only</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;">
Advanced Users Only</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;">Caching options (requires mysql 4.1.1+)</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;">
Caching options (requires mysql 4.1.1+)</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;">Caching Options mysql</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;">
Caching Options mysql</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;">Managing translations</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;">
Managing translations</div>
Zarządzanie tłumaczeniami -
Site default language
Site default language
The Joom!Fish extensions supports that you can write your original content in any language you like and afterwards translate it to the other languages. We recommend to pick one of the installed frontend languages as the <b>site default</b> language as this will simplify your translation process.
The Joom!Fish extensions supports that you can write your original content in any language you like and afterwards translate it to the other languages. We recommend to pick one of the installed frontend languages as the
site default</b>
language as this will simplify your translation process. -
Locale/ISO is defined in your language files only.
Locale/ISO is defined in your language files only.
Delete failed
Delete failed
Błąd usuwania -
Error loading feed data. If you continue experiencing this problem, please turn the News Module to Off in the Joom!Fish Configuration.
Error loading feed data. If you continue experiencing this problem, please turn the News Module to Off in the Joom!Fish Configuration.
Błąd podczas ładowania danych. Jeśli problem wystąpił po raz kolejny, proszę wyłączyć moduł Wiadomości w konfiguracji Joom!Fish. -
Error: Feed not retrieved. If you continue experiencing this problem, please turn the News Module to Off in the Joom!Fish Configuration.
Error: Feed not retrieved. If you continue experiencing this problem, please turn the News Module to Off in the Joom!Fish Configuration.
Błąd: dane nie dostarczone. Jeśli problem wystąpił po raz kolejny, proszę wyłączyć moduł Wiadomości w konfiguracji Joom!Fish.