<h2>JoomFish Frontend View</h2><p>The JoomFish extensions works interactively as a system plugin and therefore no special front-end view is needed.<br />Please visit <a href=""></a> for information how you can translate articles in the Joomla front-end.</p>
JoomFish Frontend View</h2><p>
The JoomFish extensions works interactively as a system plugin and therefore no special front-end view is needed.<br />
Please visit<a href=""></a>
for information how you can translate articles in the Joomla front-end.</p>
<p>The JoomFish projects provides a special add-on which allows you to translate menus, modules and anything else in a special frontend management. For more information please visit: <a href=""></a><p>
The JoomFish projects provides a special add-on which allows you to translate menus, modules and anything else in a special frontend management. For more information please visit:<a href=""></a><p>
Joom!Fish Help Site - Translation overview
Joom!Fish Help Site - Translation overview
Joom!Fish Translation overview help
Joom!Fish Translation overview help
Translation overview
Translation overview
The translation overview is the primary dialog while working with your translations. The overview allows you to monitor your translations within certain languages, content areas and also start editing the translations.
The translation overview is the primary dialog while working with your translations. The overview allows you to monitor your translations within certain languages, content areas and also start editing the translations.
The overview requires that you first select the language you like to review and one of the installed "content elements". These elements of data stored in your database allow you to limite the results of translations quite a bit. After the selection of both values you will see a list of existing, original values that you can now browse and work with. It is possible to edit, publish or delete translations within this overview.
The overview requires that you first select the language you like to review and one of the installed "content elements". These elements of data stored in your database allow you to limite the results of translations quite a bit. After the selection of both values you will see a list of existing, original values that you can now browse and work with. It is possible to edit, publish or delete translations within this overview.
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