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original value has been copied to the clipboard.<br />Now paste in your editor as html
original value has been copied to the clipboard.
<br />
Now paste in your editor as htmloriginalna vrednost je vila kopirana v clipboard.<br />
Nato prilepi v urejevalnik kot html -
press ctl-C or command-C to copy original value to the clipboard.<br />Then paste in your editor as html
press ctl-C or command-C to copy original value to the clipboard.
<br />
Then paste in your editor as htmlpritisni ctl-C ali command-C za kopiranje originalne vrednosti v clipboard.<br />
Nato prilepi v urejevalnik kot html -
your browser does not support copying to the clipboard.<br />Select the original by hand and copy and paste
your browser does not support copying to the clipboard.
<br />
Select the original by hand and copy and pastetvoj brskalnik ne podpira kopiranja v clipboard.<br />
Rocno izberi original in ga kopiraj in prilepi -
Only active languages will be presented online. Non active languages can be used for preparation of translations.
Only active languages will be presented online. Non active languages can be used for preparation of translations.
Samo aktivni jeziki bodo predstavljeni online. Neaktivni jeziki so lahko uporabljeni za pripravo na prevode. -
Ordering in the frontend.
Ordering in the frontend.
Urejanje v ospredju. -
Use for individual fixed text. To use language depended information leave empty and use the <strong> NO TRANSLATION AVAILABLE</strong> constant defined in the Joom!Fish language files.
Use for individual fixed text. To use language depended information leave empty and use the
constant defined in the Joom!Fish language files.Uporabi za individualne popravke teksta. Za uporabo jezikovno odvisnih nastavitev pusti prazno in uporabi<strong>
dolocenih v Joom!Fish jezikovnih datotekah.