Napake: -
The content item [ %s ] is currently being edited by another administrator // %s=$actContentObject->title
The content item [ %s ] is currently being edited by another administrator // %s=$actContentObject->title
Vsebinski predmet [ %s ] trenutno ureja drug administrator // %s=$actContentObject->naslov -
Config file not writeable!
Config file not writeable!
Config datoteka ni zapisljiva! -
Multi lingual abstraction layer mambot is not installed or published - will not work in this state!
Multi lingual abstraction layer mambot is not installed or published - will not work in this state!
Vecjezikovni abstraction layer mambot ni namešcen ali obljavljen - v takem stanju ne bo delalo! -
File could not be copied
File could not be copied
Datoteka ni mogla biti kopirana -
You must choose a language
You must choose a language
Izbrati morate jezik -
No such translation as %s - it has not been deleted<br/>
No such translation as %s - it has not been deleted
Ni takšnega prevoda kot %s - ni bil izbrisan<br/>
Something dodgy going on here - please report this message to Joomfish developers<br/>
Something dodgy going on here - please report this message to Joomfish developers
Nekaj nepoštenega se dogaja tukaj - prosimo, javite to sporocilo Joomfish razvijalcem<br/>
Neobjavljeno -
You must enter a name
You must enter a name
Vpisati morate ime -
You must enter a corresponding Joomla name
You must enter a corresponding Joomla name
Vpisati morate ustrezno Joomla ime -
There is a language already with that Joomla name, please try again
There is a language already with that Joomla name, please try again
Jezik s tem Joomla imeno je že, poskusite ponovno -
List of names (vertical)
List of names (vertical)
Seznam imen (verticalno) -
List of images (vertical)
List of images (vertical)
Seznam slik (verticalno) -
Spacer at display as text
Spacer at display as text
PResledek za prikaz kot tekst -
Activate all those modules you like to see on the Control Panel. In case an alert appears the Unpublished or State module will always be active!
Activate all those modules you like to see on the Control Panel. In case an alert appears the Unpublished or State module will always be active!
Aktivirajte vse module, ki jih želite videti v nadzorni plošci. V primeru,da pride do napake, bo neobljavljeno ali stanje modul za zmeraj aktiven! -
Ne -
Da -
Store original version as
Store original version as
Shrani originalno verzijo kot -
Control Panel Modules
Control Panel Modules