The md5 hash key is used for comparing the original version the translation is based on. Storing this version in clean text additionally enlarges the database but allow better feedback of changes.
The md5 hash key is used for comparing the original version the translation is based on. Storing this version in clean text additionally enlarges the database but allow better feedback of changes.
md5 雜湊值是用來比較翻譯所依據的原始版本。額外地以明文儲存該版本會增大資料庫,但對所做的變更可有較佳的反饋。 -
no translation is available?
no translation is available?
沒有可用的翻譯? -
This replacement applies ONLY to content elements which are marked reference.type=content!
This replacement applies ONLY to content elements which are marked reference.type=content!
這個取代只適用於被標示為 reference.type=content 的內容元素! -
The original content
The original content
原始內容 -
The original content with information
The original content with information
原始內容和無翻譯訊息 -
Default Text
Default Text
預設文字 -
Overwrite global config values
Overwrite global config values
取代全站設定值 -
If this switch is enabled the global configuration values will be overwritten. If not enable the standard values are used.
If this switch is enabled the global configuration values will be overwritten. If not enable the standard values are used.
取代全站設定值 -
Show news tab
Show news tab
Display the Joom!Fish news module on the Control Panel
Display the Joom!Fish news module on the Control Panel
在〔控制台〕中顯示[Joom!Fish 新聞]模組 -
Display the unpublished module on the Control Panel
Display the unpublished module on the Control Panel
在〔控制台〕中顯示[未發佈翻譯]模組 -
Display the state module on the Control Panel
Display the state module on the Control Panel
在〔控制台〕中顯示[狀態]模組 -
Copy original params to empty translation
Copy original params to empty translation
複製原始參數到空白翻譯 -
Copy the original parameters to the empty translation
Copy the original parameters to the empty translation
複製原始參數到空白翻譯 -
Enable translation caching
Enable translation caching
啟用翻譯快取 -
Enable translation caching
Enable translation caching
啟用翻譯快取 -
Cache life in minutes
Cache life in minutes
快取壽命(以分鐘計算) -
Cache life in minutes
Cache life in minutes
快取壽命(以分鐘計算) -
Enable query analysis caching
Enable query analysis caching
啟用查詢分析快取 -
Component Admin Interface Language
Component Admin Interface Language