Show a splash introduction screen anytime a user access one of the JoomFish functions first time after login.
Welcome to
Joom!Fish video previews
Video documentation
Various user, administrator and developer guides are available in our increasing video documentation pool. Make your entry in multilingual websites as easy as watching a video.
Joom!Fish support
Joom!Fish Forum
Our community meets in our forum and website. Feel free to access these knowledge base of tricks, solutions and ideas free of charge.
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Slika imena datoteke
Slika imena datoteke
Image file -
Displayname of the language
Za uporabo privzetih zastav pusti prazno (Ime datoteke temelji na kratki kodi!). Za individualne zastave uporabi relativno pot, ki temelji na Joomla slikovnem direktoriju.
Za uporabo privzetih zastav pusti prazno (Ime datoteke temelji na kratki kodi!). Za individualne zastave uporabi relativno pot, ki temelji na Joomla slikovnem direktoriju.
To use the default flags leave empty (File name based on short code!). For individual flags use the relative path based on your Joomla image directory. -
Kratka koda
Kratka koda
SEF code -
Doloci kratko kodo za uporabo med prestavljanjem jezikov ali URL. Ce je Locale/ISO prazen, koda ne bo uporabljena.
Doloci kratko kodo za uporabo med prestavljanjem jezikov ali URL. Ce je Locale/ISO prazen, koda ne bo uporabljena.
Define a short code for usage within language switching or the URL. If empty Locale/ISO code will be used. -
Ime Joomla! jezikovnega direktorija
Ime Joomla! jezikovnega direktorija
The name of the Joomla! language directory. -
active -
Joomla ime datoteke
Joomla ime datoteke
Joomla file -
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;">
What to show if ...</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;">
Advanced Users Only</div>
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;width:100%;border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;">
Caching options (requires mysql 4.1.1+)</div>
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