web_translate_it rubygem v2.6.0 released

By Edouard on March 24, 2022

We have released a new version of the web_translate_it gem, the open-source synchronization Command Line Interface tool for Web Translate It.

This new version brings a few improvements:

  • Better support for before_pull, after_pull, before_push, after_push hooks. They now display the command output, and write an error message if the exit status of the command was not successful.
  • Add ability to ignore files from pulls with a setting in the .wti file. It lets you ignore a specific file, or use a glob to ignore a series of files. Example: ignore_files: ['**/fr.yml', 'config/locales/js/*.yml', 'config/locales/app/fr.yml']
  • Remove silence_errors = true option that could be put in the configuration file, which was silencing SSL connexion errors. SSL is important, and if it isn’t properly configured, it needs to be fixed on your machine by updating your cert chain.
  • We have also updated our documentation to show how you should use wti to handle multiple projects.

wti synchronization tool

Install or Upgrade

To install web_translate_it, please refer to the gem documentation.

As usual, upgrade web_translate_it to its latest version by typing in a terminal: gem install web_translate_it.

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